They stop when you stop! Rush through the maze in Pellet Time!
4 modes:
Super Kid Pellet: Pellet Time with speed & timing progression
Super Hot Pellet: Pellet Time at full speed
Super Mr Pellet: Classic muncher with speed & timing progression
Super Ms Pellet: Speed-hacked classic muncher!
Also playable on, Game Jolt, Newgrounds, Kongregate
in Glorious Scanline-O-Vision (aka Lame Scanline Overlay) for some reason.
v1.2.5: bug fixes and whatnots
v1.2.3: more sensible use of dset/dget for pi+microSD
v1.2.1: fixed Clyde's AI, added blinking hearts.
old beta version:

What a great take on the original!
Love the almost "turn-based" movement - give you a chance to plan your next steps.
The menu is cute as hell (but also crazy!)
I'm not very good at it tho! :P

Wow this is well done! The menu is super cool! Also, the use of 5x5 tiles is a perfect fit for this game! Favorite!

Very nice! love what you did with the scrolling text :D I'd say it isn't as tense as the original since the ghosts only move when you move and touching a ghost isn't an instakill.

I love it! I think it just needs a little extra push of polish to make it really shine! Maybe speed it up a little bit too (I personally can't play regular Pacman anymore since I played the speed-up hack Ms. Pacman... much more playable for the ADD generation :)
Is there a way to advance through levels? Or is it just an infinite grab of pellets in a single level?

thanks for the feedback and the nice words guys!
I think I'll keep the menu, albeit with smaller maze blocks to make it a tad easier on the eye.
@guerragames did you try the "super too fast" mode? it's actually too fast! I kept it because it's over the top but you can still score points. the maze should be pre-filled with pills though, I'll fix that. looking at the speed-up hack, I'm thinking I could slow the ghosts down on this mode, at least on the first levels...
the leveling is broken right now. you have to grab too many pellets (500 when a full maze would be around 275) to essentially reset the level to another maze. I'm working on it :)

Liking this. You might set it so you don't lose your entire health if you stop and a ghost is atop you. Maybe just lose one heart. Otherwise this game is really quite good with the ability to make decisions between and after movements.

Thanks dw! There's a setting that does just what you said in the pause menu. it's not set as default because, well, you're supposed to move out of trouble :)

I see it in PAUSE now. Really very nice !
Since I wrote Fireball about a year ago, I've been meaning to get back at it and see if it's possible to have static graphics alongside it - like your "afterimage" graphics above.
Truly one of my favorite Pac-Man games !

When I first booted up the cart I was like "Why did they name the cart Super Hot Pellet Muncher 2000" Then I moved and was like ohhhh I get it now

This game doesn't get enough recognition. It's probably the best take on pac man I've ever played.
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