Here's a simple one:
use stat(x), where x is:
80..85 UTC time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second |
Go crazy, guys!

Sweet. Once there are some math functions for date/time, this will be awesome.
I might try to port some of my PHP time stuff over but might not be the same thing...hmmm...
You know, stuff like: days_diff(t,n), hours_diff(t,n), add_to_date()...

@ultrabrite: Are you hosting a full jam, or just want people to be aware of the new feature?
It could be interesting..

Ah, an open challenge.
I accept, good sir!
(eventually, at some point between now and the end of time)

@morningtoast, might be something useful in here:
but I doubt it - I pretty much freestyle'd it instead of looking at any established algorithms such as PHP, as you suggested.

...and a failed tweetjam attempt:

At 163 chars, I was gonna say here's another failed #tweetcart attempt, but since Twitter just went crazy with tweet length... :D
#YesTheSoundIsAnnoying #TheresAReasonItsNotAThing

(fixed hours)
No one made a binary clock yet... So I will be the first ;P

What happens when time values are converted to angles of a chain?

This clock is based on the code from an earlier cart, which was itself based on the code at It converts the current time and date to a base-48 number, then creates a Turing machine transition entry for each "digit" in the number in order to draw the patterns you see (48 = 3 symbols * 4 states * 4 directions). There are only enough seconds since 1 AD to fill up the first 7 entries of 12 (the number of seconds is approximately 7 digits in base 48), so the last 5 entries are randomized instead. Every second it changes the rules based on the new current time, and every minute it clears the screen.

Another one. Super fun to use.

more clocks!

Actually that would be nice to have as part of reading time/date the name of the DAY it is without having to calculate it. Su/Mo/Tu/We/Th/Fr/Sa.
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