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Cart #31232 | 2016-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first PICO-8 thing! Please be gentle as you rip my coding skills to shreds.

Yes, I know it isn't a proper game, that's the "joke" :) For more information on the game's origins, you can see here.


Mmm ... Corned Beef Sandwich ! It's not just for breakfast anymore !

Nice nod to classic lawnmowing games.

Have you ever seen the one that Seth Able (of L.O.R.D. fame) made? He prolly made the lawnmowing sim to top all lawnmowing sims. lol

I always knew Flymo products were trash!

LOL straight back to my C64 days.

Who has corned beef for breakfast!?

Hah, funny stuff. I had never heard the story about the April Fool's joke/the "game" (yeah, not really a game there!), so thanks for sharing that.

That's some advanced shit right there ;) Well done!

This is awesome and now I have to make a lawnmowing sim

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