A long-overdue sequel to an obscure one-button game I made eons ago, which inspired some better-known descendants. Hold X to increase gravity. Race rightward through checkpoints if you want (my record so far is 13).
Update 11: fancier ocean, subtle sand sound, dynamic music
Update 12: Made instructions less clear, many sound improvements, friendly dolphin gives you bubbles. Stars temporarily removed.
Update 13: Day (twilight)/night cycle, announcements for start and finish of race (with score tally).
Update 14: Adjusted music mix, made tally larger.
Update 15: Updated Picotron version, improved reflections, added stars. (might improve them later.)
Update 16: mi lili e wawa pi kalama anpa

Wow, amazing polish and attention to detail! Plays very well on mobile. Is that deformable terrain I see?

This is great! Great feel and vibe. It's just the kind of thing I love to see being made on Picotron. I'm only at 6 for my high score just off my initial play.

Indeed it is deformable terrain! The ground is based on a deterministic composition of sine functions and there's a ring buffer of terrain deltas added on top of it (which exponentially decays in order to tidy it up smoothly by the time you wrap around it). The craters are made with two sine-based bell curves of equal area and differing width, to conserve mass.

it is so fun to demolish the ground and the music is fantastic!

Really fun! You could build on this to make a masterpiece of a game. The core brilliance is there. Also, toki pona spotted in the wild! Looking at your code, I can see some pretty in-depth logic regarding rendering those glyphs. I'm trying to match them to sitelen pona, but getting nothing. Is it a writing system of your own making?

Yeah it's my own writing system (actually a couple of them)! sitelen nasin luka, the one procedurally rendered by the code, is documented here: https://www.reddit.com/r/tokipona/comments/104jch0/sitelen_nasin_luka/
I've attached the reference for sitelen pipi namako (used at the beginning and ending of a run) as well.

sitelen pipi namako
jan pona sin tu en wile kon mun
o sona lon ni li suli ale ante li namako
o suno olin

Pleasingly this comes full circle, as sitelen pipi namako is a descendant of a 3x5 pixel script I made for pico-8, sitelen pipi ko... So I've got a descendant of my pico-8 script in a descendant of pico-8.

This is amazing, the music is just crazy good, the gameplay is so satisfying and fast, and it's never frustrating, at worst you make a cool crater in the ground at the cost of some speed, I love this.

Maybe the best game I've seen on picotron yet! The music, graphics, and mechanics are all strong and come together so well. Thanks for this and I hope you keep making more :)
I know this one-button gravity runner type game but I don't recall when I first saw it. What year was your original game?

The first Wavespark game was February 2010, Tiny Wings (the very popular iPhone game inspired by it) was 2011.

Very cool, thanks! Also btw I have noticed what may be a bug, after I play for a while, I see a screen of what looks like white noise static, with some structured circles, and then picotron crashes. This is on v0.1.1d, running on Ubuntu Linux. I have not noticed other games crashing or Picotron crashing otherwise, but I only recently got this version of Picotron and haven't tested many others.

musi ni li pona, taso musi kalama pi musi ni li wawa mute, musi kalama ni li pakala e kute mi a!
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[8x8] |

a, ona li suli ike tawa kute sina anu seme? ni la mi ken ante e ona.
(tenpo la: mi kute la sina toki lon. mi ante e wawa kalama. mi pana e sin musi.)
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