Version 1.1
- Score system implemented
- Bugfix: Defeating a boss after dying (or vice versa) is now impossible
- Bugfix: Boss health bar now properly disappears after using a continue
Witch Loves Bullets is a side-scrolling shoot'em up, containing 4 levels and boss battles.
It features varied enemies, a couple of powerups and parallax scrolling.
The game now has a score system with a combo multiplier,
so defeating enemies in succession will grant you more points !
Press C to shoot, and X to use your secondary weapon.
The music was composed by Dustin van Wyk (@WykDustin) and transformed by me into Pico-8 chiptune.
Please report any bugs if you find them ! :)
Hope you enjoy !

Cool game! The bubbles underwater was a neat mechanic twist and the way ghosts move gives reason to use both powers.
Two things: First boss can be cheesed by staying in the right corner and spam bubbles. Also I lost to second boss but bubbles defeated him at the same time. When I hit continue it went to next stage with no character.
Love the music!

Good shooter ! Here's a STAR for you.
You might be interested in seeing a game similar for the SNES called Marchen Adventure Cotton 100%.

Very nice game. I love the shoot/floating bubbles mechanic and the final bosses, good job!
Minor bug: the boss health bar sometimes stays on screen when you repeat a level after continuing.
(shameless plug: I also made a game about witches a while ago ( and your game feels to me like the shmup sequel I would have loved to work on someday :)

Thank you all for the feedback !
Thanks ! I was actually slightly inspired by the
original Cotton. I didn't know there was a
Cotton game on the snes though :)
Thank you ! The bug should be fixed now.
Your game is pretty cool ! I liked the atmosphere and the art style :)
Certain level design sections (the walls) are repeated, and enemies are always spaced by two blocks, which allowed me to place more of them in the cart. Levels are about 3 times as long thanks to this. I was very close to the token limit by the end though ^^

wow! one of the better shooters i've played in a while. i just love the feel of this game. nice polish, wonderful character design, and (as others have mentioned) the bubble floating mechanic on stages with liquids was so creative and fun to use! i think my favorite enemy was the green luck dragons on stage 4. so cute!
anyway, thank you so much for providing a lot of joy with Witch Loves Bullets. i had a blast! :)

Love this @FlytrapStudios, great theme for a shmup, and sidescrolling is a really nice variation from most top downs. Great work. I shot you a DM on Twitter about a business opportunity with the game if you're interested, check it out! (from Arcade Legend)

Awesome! I swear I was gonna make this! I may still but I was going to do a 1:1 of Cotton on Neo Geo pocket

Great game! I got to the final boss fight and I had to leave my small review. This is short but full designed game. I like it a lot and I felt the classic game design style in many aspects. The playability is very well polished and in the end it feels grat to play it. Many great design decissions, just to cite and example, as all the game takes place at night the final stage and final battle is in the daylight, and the effect is good, daytime feels special and menacing. Great job, my appreciation.
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