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Cart #11093 | 2015-06-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's the small shooter I made with the early version of pico-8.

  • fire with Z
  • launch all missiles with X
  • missiles recover with time
  • missile deal double damage on non-shielded targets

With the waves attacking from the screen bottom it seemed too difficult,.
then I realized there is vertical movement!

Very nice ;)

Excellent game!

Looks great!

This thing's got some awesome sprites. And it actually has music in it, unlike my games. Good job.


Love it!
If you crank up the rate of fire (line 140) and missile recovery (line 128) then it is still super fun and gets crazy looking :)

This is pretty dang cool. Nice work.


In addition to josh9999's suggestions, increasing the movement speed (line 132) can help the game feel hectic in a good way. ;)

hadnt tried it yet, great stuff! cool enemies

What does P.A.T. stand for?

Nice job btw; the game is a little hard for my taste (or skill?), but pretty!

Well It stand for nothing. Actually I was hoping nobody will ask.
( I fixed a bug on the starfield which was happening only on web player )

I love the vector grid at the start - I can't think of any games or demos back in the day that did THAT effect, which, considering how simple it is... I can't think of WHY I haven't seen it before.

The game itself is one of my favorite Pico-8 games, and I keep playing it (:

pls delete comment i was dumb

Huh, I wonder why I never found this game before? It's freakin' AWESOME!

This title screen music. YES.
If a trailer was made for PICO-8, that small bit of music should be a part of it.

Favorited game.

Great game. 585 high score so far.

Great job! Immediately super addictive.

Great game

Easily my favorite game on here, great job!

Hi, it's a bug?

i just figured out you go faster if you go on a diagonal, but thats good coz this games super hard

Great fun! When the screen starts filling up with enemies it becomes wonderfully chaotic. Love the missile effect- it reminds me of missile volleys from anime.

Damn, this game is fun! and the music is so good. Agree with DatanOde re. missile effects - very satisfying!
I really suck though - I need SHIELDS!!!

Great (hard) fun. Especially with a controller!

895 points ;D

Extremely well done!
But... One life? How about three?

Well done, but why only one life?

Fun and challenging experience! Really fun arcade shooter!

Love it! 1160

This is actually amazing

Of course your first game is this epic XD

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