experimenting with making a small exploration platformer. not really sure where it'll go yet.

You have the perfect base!!!!
Keep doing with what you are doing, The graphics are awesome, and I love the wind sound/particles.
The only thing I would recommend is adding momentum (which is probably hard to code O.O). Otherwise ITS AWESOME.
Also just as a request I like when game developers put in little details, The wind particles count! another example could be having the plants wave with the wind.
Keep it up!

Great stuff! It reminds me of Within a Deep Forest or Knytt (but much prettier).

Can you add more stuff to go to because right now there's only one path

I can see Celeste Classic's clouds and some of its tiles here...

Pretty cool, I think that you can make something really cool out of this! Good luck.

Beautiful! Reminds me a bit of Knytt.
Would you consider remapping jump to one of the buttons? Currently it's difficult to use with a controller.

The author went on to make Celeste then PC Celeste.
This cart will probably stay unchanged!

little did he know he would continue to make a very successful game available on several platforms
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