Weird automata - a pixel area is traced by a snaking 8-directional self-avoiding walk. Every time the snake hits a dead-end, that snake dies, and a new snake is born in a different color. No flip() done, so you can see the results quicker. The way it plays out looks somewhat painterly after a bit, before quickly devolving into random noise.
n=128k=1 r=rnd::a::x=r(n)y=r(n)z=9::b:: u=x-1+r(2)v=y-1+r(2)z-=1 if(pget(u,v)==0)x=u%n y=v%n z=9 pset(x,y,k) if(z<0)k+=1 goto a goto b |

poke(24364,7)w=64 t=0::s:: t+=0.3 for i=0,5000 do x=rnd(w)-w y=rnd(w)-w pset(x+w,y+w,bxor(atan2(x,y)*16,256/sqrt(x*x+y*y)+t)%3)end goto s |

electricgryphon: Yep! Well there's a bit going on there.
since isn't defined, will be nil, and nil values evaluate to false when used in conditionals. Anything that isn't nil or false is treated as true, so by using and 1 you can get false and true with less characters (provided you don't use elsewhere).
Also comparing two things that aren't defined (nil) will return true, so you can use that to initialize stuff potentially (like I did in my waterfall tweetjam). Watch out though, comparison ==/!= will actually treat false vs. nil as distinct values, same with true vs 1, and you can't do order comparison or arithmetic against nil.

w=64 t=0::s:: t+=0.1 for i=0,5000 do x=rnd(w*2)-w y=rnd(w*2)-w circ(x+w,y+w,1,bxor(16*(atan2(x,y)+cos(t/w)),256/sqrt(x*x+y*y)+t))end goto s |

I made an edit to Overkill's water tiles.
cls()memset(8192,1,4096)::a::srand(2)for f=1,60 do for n=1,8 do sset(rnd(8)+8,rnd(8),12) end sset(rnd(8)+8,rnd(8),7)map()flip()end goto a |
Concept being, I've been hoping someone would make a cart which uses a fixed seed to generate an intentional and deliberate "random" animation in a way which looks handcrafted despite that not being possible in so few characters.
Actually, here's an even smaller alternative. (No cls, and why use two ssets when you can use one?)
memset(8192,1,4096)::a::srand(3)for f=1,50 do for n=1,12 do sset(rnd(8)+8,rnd(8),rnd(16)>1 and 12 or 7) end map()flip()end goto a |
I made it a separate cart since the animation is different, but I think I like it better this way.

a=0 while 1 do cls()for i=0,100,4 do s=sin(a)*i/2 c=cos(a)*i/1.5 circ(64+s,64+c,i,i%15)circ(64+s,64+c,i+1,i%15)end a+=0.02 flip()end |

I didnt know you could gain characters by regrouping some lines together, prety usefull
r=rnd t=0::s::srand()c=cos(t)s=sin(t)cls() for i=1,999 do x=r()-.5z=r()-.5n=64/(s*x+c*z)pset((c*x+s*z)*n+64,r()*n,7)end t+=.005 flip()goto s |

a=0 while 1 do cls(2)for i=4,96,8 do s=sin(a)*9 c=cos(a)*9 for h=0,1 do circ(64-c,64-s/2,i+h,9)circ(64+s,64+c,i+h,9)end end a+=.03 flip()end |

a=0 while 1 do cls() for i = 0,99,4 do s=sin(a)*i c=cos(a)*i circ(64-s,64+c,i,i%15) circ(64+s,64-c,i,i%15) end a+=0.01 flip() end |

n=128 r=rnd x=64y=64::s::for i=0,999 do l=r(n)k=r(n)pset(l,k,max(0,pget(l,k)-1))end circfill(x,y,7,15)x+=r(8)-4 y+=r(8)-4 x=x%n y=y%n goto s |

Hello :] my very first pico-8 thing...
That was fun!Nice stuff everyone :)
z=64 t=0 cls() function _draw() for i=-32,32 do circfill(rnd(1)+z+16*cos(t*i),z+16*sin(t*i),i*sin(t),4*t+(i%3)) end t+=0.001 end |

Love the smear effect that pops up occasionally :)
Like water swirling down a drain

::s::memcpy(0x0,0x6000,0x2000)for i=0,999 do x=rnd(128)y=rnd(128)k=sget(x,y)if k>0 then circ(x,y,1,8+(k+1)%8)pset(x,y,k)end end flip()goto s |

@dcturner wow I love that bottlerocket code! Had to bring the code into pico-8 and fiddle with it myself to understand what was going on. :) Love it.

paint blast
t=0n=99k=64 f=sin::s::for i=1,n do s=f(t+(i^3-i^2)/n)c=f(.25+t+(i^5-i^3)/n)circfill(k+s^3*99,c^3*n+k,8,i%3+t*2) end t+=.005 flip()goto s |

Oh, this is stupid fun. Here's 37 painters disagreeing with each other:
a={} while(1)do for i=1,37 do a[i]=a[i]or{x=i*3,y=i*7}b=a[i] b.x=(b.x+rnd(2)-1)%128 b.y=(b.y+rnd(2)-1)%128 circfill(b.x,b.y,i%5,i) end end |

You're flipping between channels on your old analog TV, looking for your favourite colour.
i=0::s::a=24576 s=sin(i/102)*100 memset(a+4000+s,i,64) o=1+s*10 memcpy(a+o,a,max(0,8192-o)) flip() i+=1 goto s |

@Felice: Thanks for the tip!!! I wondered if there's anything like that in Lua, awesome.
Everyone else, half of this stuff is magic to me. How you do mandelbrot and blinking analog TVs in under 140 … Magic.
I definitely feel 10 years old again, as I ws back in the early 90s, reading computer magazine listings with all the binary code programs while I only knew BASIC (ZX Spectrum) and it was also all magic. A master's degree in CS and 20 years of experience later … and something deceptively simple like Pico-8 brings me down to my knees. To everyone in this thread, kudos.

I was following my wife around as she was dress shopping when I saw an interesting pattern on one of them that I wanted to program for the tweetjam. I ended up accidentally finding this one which wasn't my original intention but still looks kinda cool.
t=0 d=18::s:: t+=0.1 for i=0,d*d do x=flr(i/d)*16-16+(i%2==0 and 8 or 0) y=(i%d)*8-8 circ(x,y,8*(1+sin((x+y+t)/128)),t)end goto s |

t=0 d=16::s::cls()t+=.005 for i=0,d*d do x=flr(i/d)*d-8*8+(i%2==0 and 8 or 0)y=(i%d)*8-d circ(x,y,6+(7+7*sin(t)),7)end flip()goto s |

Neat, @guerragames. That colorful one looks like Batik!
My last one was sorta aggressive. This one is much calmer: a nice midnight drive under the stars ^__^
w=128i=78t=0l=circfill ::s:: t-=1 l(i,i,w,1)srand()for y=1,i do x=(rnd(w)+t)%w l(x,y,sin((y+t)/17)*2,6)line(x*9,w,x,i+y%7,3)end flip()goto s |

t=0::s::cls()srand()for i=1,500 do p=9-i/50 j=(p+sin(t)-t*9)%11+.1 k=rnd(9)-5+cos(t)circfill(k/j*50+64,80/j-20,9/j,p)end t+=.01 flip()goto s |

How many of these can we fit into one cart?
I'd love to see them as some sort of semi-official screen saver!
I'll put a framework together.

subpixel: Starry Drive is so lovely and chilled, i adore it! <3
this thread's so goood

Thanks nyarlu! How does this all work? Shy guy will explain it all, if you ask nicely.
h=64q=32l=circfill t=0m=sin::s:: t+=.03 cls()camera(m(t/7)*9)l(q,q,h,7)l(q,q,9,0)l(h+q,q)a=m(t)*3+8 b=m(t*4)*2 rect(h,h,q+a,h+b)flip()goto s |

A small game : use left/right to stay in the tunnel
But the tunnel will eventually close ...
x=64m=64::s:: memcpy(24640,24576,8128)x+=rnd(8)-4 line(0,0,128,0,8)line(x,0,x+40,0,0) if(btn(0))m-=1 if(btn(1))m+=1 pset(m,64,7)flip()goto s |

I just discovered that you can in fact vote for carts from this thread if you go on the user's cartridge page, like here. So the vote could probably be integrated with each cart player instead of only for the thread ... that would be so cool

- Use arrow up to jump over the walls
- If you hit a wall, you die
y=0 w=128 t=w while t>1 do cls()t+=1 srand(flr(t/w))x=w-t%w y+=1 if(btn(2))y-=2 pset(9,y)i=rnd(w)line(x,i,x,w) if(x==9 and y>i)t=0 flip()end |

inspired by 'tweetjam' by NuSan (great dissolution ^^)
one-liner @140 including eol
n=128w={}r=rnd::s::for i=1,4096 do pset(r(n),r(n),0)v=w[i]x=i*4-4print(8,x,v,3)v=v and(v+6)%n or r(n)print(8,x,v,6)w[i]=v end flip()goto s |

Nice @ultrabrite that is exactly the effect I wanted to make and couldnt manage in 140 characters. So it seems I need to work on how to use array effectively !

thanks to kometbomb for the monte carlo trick!
I am on raspberrypi, so I can't figure out how to post my code, sorry!

t=0::s::cls()srand()pal(0,12,1)for i=0,140 do l={"^-_","-^-","_-^"}print(l[flr(i*.2-t)%3+1],rnd(140),i-sin(t*.05)*9,7)end t+=.1 flip()goto s |

...those who drink from the rainbow cup
will love like a summer's eve
both flame and the flood
without shyness' leave
cls()t=0::s:: t+=1 for y=9,33 do for x=0,9 do g=x/y h=y^2/9+cos(g*.7-t/7)*y/9+sin(g+t/9)pset(x+7,h,y-t)end end print("love",0,0)flip()goto s |

This thread is so amazing. It's inspired me to finally play with Pico-8, so thanks to Adam and everyone else for that. (I have literally played every single cartridge posted in this thread so far.)
Anyway, here's my first cartridge for submission, just some simple purple dots on a grid:
EDIT: (Oops, forgot the code, not that it's terribly exciting, maybe it'll help some beginners.)
cls() while 1 do for x=0,8 do for y=0,8 do circfill(x*16,y*16,rnd(5,10),rnd(16)%3) end end end |
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