that was the single best game i have ever played on pico-8

Just finished all the way through, very fun!
I liked it more the farther I got, and will play this a lot more often now, thanks for the cool cart!

i've been trying to finish this mod for a while and i finally did! it was very hard yet fun, it challenges my skill alot and i honestly enjoyed that, plus the fun designed levels, though i did broke some fingers along the way lol-
it was still a rough attempt, though, i think i'm a little bit proud that i was able to finish this!

Foreverred result 2023-03-21

time | 02:12:48 |
gems | normal |
strawberries | 11/12 |
deaths | 1029 |
Checkpoint number 2 at Middle Approach was a very insane difficulty spike:
most of my 1029 deaths came from there
Foreverred review 2023-03-21
Foreverred is a much better game than Celeste,
and the best approximation of Celeste Remake in Pico-8.
the differences against Celeste Remake make Foreverred a much better approximation of Celeste Remake:
instead of recreating the levels, it creates the feeling of playing a really really good game.
i am sure that this will make Foreverred a game that i will sometimes want to play instead of Celeste Remake in the future.
my only complaint is that there is no ability to save progress for later, but with only 2 hours of playtime it is not so bad.
this is a game that i must congratulate and thank the developers for making,
so thank you and congratulations for making this game.

Been playing this mod for months now just for fun, beat hundreds of times. Always a fun challenge!

My first ever attempt on completing true skip was 2021-03-18 and after all these years i finaly did it,
only took many 10 hour sesions of playing, And somehow i just got good at the game and did it in an hour :D ggs, looking forward for foreverred 2

Hey @taco360 ! i was wondering if i could use your penguin sprite for a mod im making because i dont know how to make a penguin another way and i just wanted to check in with you before stealing assets.
have a good day bye!

@AntiBrain I'm sure taco is fine with it, a ton of other mods use the penguin and besides, meep would be the person to ask (meep invented penguins)

Ah yes of course. Thank you @ooooggll . I just posted the mod. Only took a year to make lol. Worth it though.

You know, sometimes I think maybe I play this game too much. Then I immediately dismiss the thought and do something like this, repeating the cycle. (iPhone 12 mini)

one of (if not the) the best celeste mods i've played
it's really fun and challenging without feeling impossible, and it's super long!!!! :D
10000/10, really

11:00 lets go, i will keep on speedruning true skip until i reach sub 10 mins ggs
edit: my next run i got a 8:42 lol
edit 2: just got a 6:35 >:) now its 6:23 lets go
edit 3: 6:16 pog
edit 4: lol i just lost a wr paced run got a 4:01 smh

So If we exceed maximum comments, It will add another page
This is just an "Example" Of whatever it means
In the future, There are some hidden solutions For Regular/Gemskip

This is Foreverred Solutions, It is hidden via the code snippet
0m Solutions
Trueskip Solutions
Gemskip Solutions
Regular Solutions
Dedicated Signs

Oh gosh.
I have made a mistake.
I'm on mobile.
This is my first playthrough.
I did gemskip.
I'm on 600m.
My fingers hurt so bad.
Edit 1:
Now at 900m.
Edit 2:
Taking a break. Let's hope I don't close the tab on accident.

Loved the mod, and I've been doing gemskip and all berries for it a lot recently. Got a pretty good time and death count here. I'll try for Trueskip eventually.

yoooo I got sub 7 100% (6:54, all 12 berries, normal mode)

thank you for making this mod. gemskip was the most fun I've had in a long time
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