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Pixel/voxel artist/animator! that enough "/"s for you? ;)

Alright, I'm gonna come right out the gate a admit that I do not expect alot of you guys being all too keen on paying for somebody to help you with building/animating for your fun little Voxatron Carts...

And I totally understand that! And so with that in mind, I'm trying my best to be as inexpensive as possible without being unfair to myself... :) Afterall! I love creating for Voxatron and Pico as much as I assume you all to... ;) I have worked on numerous personal carts with plans of a full-fledged game that, while it may never come to fruition, definitely show my prowess with the blocks... ;) I'm even quite proficient with just straight up pixel art, so feel free to look at my Pico post to see some of that... https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=29337

But enough about that! If you've read this far you're probably getting curious as to what my work actually looks like! Is it any good? How much will I be charging for it? -_-
Below is a small collection of creations and such from those personal carts that should be a pretty good indication to you if I'm worth your moneys.

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Alright, I'm gonna come right out the gate a admit that I do not expect alot of you guys being all too keen on paying for somebody to help you art for your fun little Pico-Projects...

And I totally understand that! And so with that in mind, I'm trying my best to be as inexpensive as possible without being unfair to myself... :) Afterall! I love creating for Pico and Voxatron as much as I assume you all to... ;) And while I've never done anything personally in Pico on account of my lack of skill in the field of programming, I DO have plenty talent in pixel art as well as Voxel modeling.

But enough about that! If you've read this far you're probably getting curious as to what my work actually looks like! Is it any good? How much will I be charging for it? -_-

Below is a little portfolio I put together of all my recent personal for-fun works(that I'm willing to share)! I'm well aware that Pico works on a much smaller pixel budget than these arts, but I'm pretty darn confident that I'll be able to work within those constraints! :) Not only that, but I really love the blocky, simple style such constraints provide! I think it's super cute... :P
I also understand that Pico is restricted to a specific color palette as well! I've been working exclusively in the NES color palette, but my animation software comes with a Pico color palette as well... Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to learn how to actually use Pico... ;)

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Hello there gentlemen!

And laaaaaadies... ;)

I have a Tumblr account! Why am I telling you this? Because I'm gonna be posting voxatron related content regularly starting yesterday! I aim to make at least 1-2 posts per day of progress I'm making in two games I'm in the process of making. One of which is an arcade-y shooter inspired by the likes of mechwarrior. The second is a single player story driven exploration action puzzle platformer! (Wow that was a mouthful...) Anyways, just thought I'd drop by to say that! :) I'll try to post to the lexaloffle forums as much as possible as well... Thanks for reading!


I just decided to import a test track to Voxatron and I immediately discovered that the 2nd, 4th, and 6th tracks specifically aren't playing... Anybody know how to fix this?
Also figured out that I couldn't just put all 6 lines on odd tracks cause Voxatron only supports up to 8...


Like the title says! :) More of it, but of the Game Grumps!


I've sent you a couple emails now and I don't mean to be pushy, however, I haven't gotten any sort of response to them... Is this the right email?

[email protected]

I understand you're probably busy and you might forget to check that email, so I hope you see this and go check it! :)


I've been working on a cartridge in Voxatron for a decent amount of time now and have become very adept and understanding of how player/monster creation, logic, and modifiers work... But! I've hit a dead end...

No matter how I try it, I can't get the logic for my player to work right. After many days of working at it, it seems that the only way to make it work is if you added a special determining factor to triggers...

That factor would simply be: Only activate (under trigger circumstances) after prior trigger is activated.

If that didn't make sense...(I had a hard time putting it in words concisely) What I want is when, say, modifier#1 is set to have modifier#2 happen next, modifier#2 will happen next, but only if modifier#2's trigger activates and will only activate if modifier#1 was triggered first.

I hope that makes sense! :( I'm trying to keep most of what I'm doing under the hood right now so if you have a contact I can message you through privately I can show you exactly what I'm doing/trying to do and more specifically what I need to make it work!

Hopeful that you'll see this and understand what I mean,

P.S. Thanks for the like on one of my Speed-Modeling videos! I hope to show you all some of the fruits of my labor soon! :)


A quick Speed-Modeling I did for an artist on deviantart who's comics and artwork I enjoy immensely... :)


Also, go check out her stuff: http://tamarinfrog.deviantart.com/


Just a little video I took of me modeling in voxatron for a project I'm working on! I'll try to make a many uploads of this kinda stuff as I can if people enjoy it... And no promises! But I'll be making a teaser for the cartridge as soon as I can. ;) I'll also try to make regular posts to my blog page(Profile page) here at Lexaloffle. Be it snapshots, videos, or even just text updates! Again, no promises, but I'll try!

Anywho, here's the video... :)

Voxatron Speed Modeling

If that link doesn't work, just look up the channel RumbleChops on youtube.
It'll be one of my most recent video uploads... :)