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MineStorm Pico
Tread lightly! The transport lanes of intergalactic space have been seeded with mines from an alien vessel.
Use your mine destroying blaster to blow up the mines before they annihilate you! You may survive the floating mines, but beware of the fireball, magnetic, and treacherous fireball-magnetic mines!
. . . many fields, each one more difficult, await you!
Enemy minelayer in action
Clearing a mine field
Duel with the minelayer
Game Options
⬆️⬇️ Navigate through the options.
🅾️ Change an option. [z]
❎ Enter the first mine field.
Ship Controls
⬅️➡️ Rotates your mine destroying ship.
Control settings #1:
🅾️ Escape: Mysteriously moves your ship to a new location. [z]
❎ Fire: Launches rockets at the mines.
⬆️ Thrust: Moves your ship forward.
Control settings #2:
⬇️ Escape [z]
❎ Fire
🅾️ Thrust
Control settings #3:
⬆️ Escape [z]
❎ Fire
🅾️ Thrust