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Cart #celeste_spring-0 | 2024-06-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I know it's summer rn.

Anyway, Hi!

This is the first installment of a series of 5 mods in total. It's loosely inspired by Glyph but it has lore. wait I think Glyph has lore. Oh well.


There are 12 berries for you to collect, and the gameplay is very easy, beginner-level even. It will ramp up slightly in the mod but the difficulty will spike more in the later installments.


I made all the music, grass tiles (with some help from howf) and gameplay. i may upload an orchestral version of the first track heard during gameplay too, so look out for that.

Shoutouts to Howf (formerly known as Cannon) for helping me install the background and letting me use his wooden tiles. Also, thanks to primary/convergence (known on Discord as VirtuaVirtue) for creating a simple background editor! came in clutch for the atmosphere :)

Thanks to the Evercore team for creating the engine this game runs on. you can find them in the Celeste Classic Discord.

For those interested in doing gemskip, join the Celeste Classic Discord here if you need help!

Thanks for playing! Also, the lore is incomplete, feel free to speculate.

P#150386 2024-06-25 09:41 ( Edited 2024-06-25 09:42)

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Cart #maddyshop-0 | 2023-12-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

About the Mod

Hi! This is my first mod (with some help from cannon). Originally this was meant to be a part of the "12 Days of CCristmas" mod jam, but we missed the deadline. Oh well.
CannonWuff made the sprites and did all the coding, while I did level design and decoration.


Levels were designed with speedrunning in mind. Keeping with that, I'd like to have a sort of competetion to encourage runs! There aren't any rewards, just a thanks from me :)

There will be 4 main categories:

  • Any% - Beat the game as fast as possible
  • 100% - Beat the game as fast as possible while collecting all 16 berries.
  • Any% (Gemskip) - Beat the game as fast as possible while skipping the hat found in Santa's bag.
  • 100% (Gemskip) - beat the game as fast as possible while skipping the hat found in Santa's bag, and while collecting all 16 berries.

I'll update this at the end of the competition with the leaderboards.
We'll be using the in-game timer, so if there are any ties, multiple names can be added.

The competition ends at 12:00 PM EST on 1/1/2024

Post your times in the Celeste Classic Discord Server here or leave a comment!
Last but not least, have fun!

Also, there's lore. It's not major though, just some backstory.


The competition was over a long, long time ago so it's time to update the scores with the data from the forum posts!

Any% results

1st: Rav8blaziken - 1:08
2nd: jhony789 - 1:11
3rd: cheesemug - 1:51

100% results

1st: Dando_ - 5:28
2nd: Cowirrie - 9:17

Note: no one did gemskip yet. it requires a bit of tech so it is difficult, but I have faith that someone will join the discord and ask around!

also thank you for the nice comments! means a lot :)

P#139335 2023-12-29 15:24 ( Edited 2024-05-19 06:39)