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Thank You Mr. White & Company,
About me:
I do a little of everything. Music, Grfx, Programming, etc.
my website: http://www.mizlabeled.com
There is still much to learn and do and I simply cannot wait.

All I ever wanted to do was make video games and cartoons since I was around 12y/o... It has taken me forever to get here, but the journey is not over. For I have only begun to fully understand how to accomplish the task my childhood dreamed of, but with Pico by my side, I think I can finally realize it. The road has been long already. What's a few more leagues? I won't be satisfied until it has been rendered unto this existence. There is much leveling to do, but my skill points are stacking up...

I have been alone for so long... As long as I can remember now. It is not bad being alone, but I wouldn't mind some company. If nothing else then to chat, but even better if they wanted to support or collaborate... Care to join my party?


Cart #destructoid-0 | 2019-12-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You have 60 seconds to score as high as u can.
My first game in Pico8. Made as a challenge from another.
Perhaps I will post more info later...

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Cart #snowglobe-0 | 2019-12-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Works almost like the real thing! Seriously, wait for it. It is kinda neat.


Fixed the snow code ala @Albertbz update but I didnt use the final fix instead I opted for the first fix as this looks more like snowglobe snow. Then I found some code by @Krystman for shaking the camera. I also put some effort into making a decent text display and added controls for everything. Last I made some slight changes to how variables get their values and some of the sfx in the music. I think I might take this one step further, but I got sick last night and my head is kinda spinning so coding is taking longer than usual. Also have a low grade fever and severe nausea... Flu season sucks!!! Cover your mouth when you cough!!!

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In Pico-8 there is 128x64 map of memory for making sprites and map. Right? Then why am I seeing the lower 128x32 filling up with pieces of sprites? Is the lower half reserved for something else, like game time render or something? I want to use that space but it looks like its already in use.

I remember hearing something about the lower 32 being reserved, is this the case and what for?
Anyone who cares to shed some light on this?


Cart #tetsuo-0 | 2019-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

New to Pico-8

made this as a sort of hello world thing

just dont know what to say....

pico is gr8