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Favorite Colors: Pink/Orange
Digital/Traditional Artist
Excellent Fashion Sense

Avid game developer who finds happiness in spreading joy to others.

Huge fan of 3rd to 5th gen games.

Working on a big small project atm.


Code Design Create Play


Making fantasy consoles (Voxatron, PICO-8 and Picotron) and trying to make my way back to userland.




I do stuff


Game hobbyist and creator in spare times
i am from generation X, born in 1972 and i saw video games begins. That's why my Pico-8 games looks like 70s and 80s arcade games esthetic. Old school games still looks good.

Mainly inspired by Midway's Eugene Jarvis's flash color text style. Almost Namco/Nintendo arcade display style. Almost Atari 2600 and Apple II+ display style. Some example of what kind of game I like to do. I don't copy modern game's style. I stay in my time!