Hi! First off - I'm not in any ways a programmer, I'm hacking together bits and pieces of code, and adding/subtracting stuff from Jelpi. It's basically a reskin, with the enemies taken out, the map and sprites redrawn (eventually) and music rewritten (I'm a musician). I know there's a lot of redundant Jelpi code in there but I think I've deleted about as much as I can without breaking everything.
What I want to do is have a text box open at the bottom of the screen when the player presses X beside the horse. A line of text appears in a black box at the bottom of the screen, disappears and then another appears, etc, until the message is completed. The game is part of a Christmas present for my girlfriend who's in her final year of vet, and it's mad stressful for her.
I was thinking to use a sprite flag but I honestly have no idea how.. any help would be hugely appreciated!