I keep seeing tweets with URLs to cartridges that I should check out. I'm super lazy so I wrote a tool to download the cart automatically.
Should run on any Linux and probably OSX:
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use HTTP::Tiny; use File::Path 'mkpath'; my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new; my $re = qr{ <a \s+ href=/(bbs/cposts/[^>]+.png)>\n\s+ <b><font \s+ color=\#ff0080 \s+ size=3>(.+) \s+ (.+)</font></b></a> }xi; my $res = $ua->get(shift); if ($res->{content} =~ $re) { my ($url, $name, $ver) = ($1, $2, $3); my $dir = "$ENV{HOME}/.lexaloffle/pico-8/carts/dl/"; mkpath($dir); my $path = $dir . lc $name . '.png'; say "Downloading $name v$ver Cart to $path"; $ua->mirror("https://lexaloffle.com/$url", $path); } else { die "Could not find game data; are you sure it was a valid URL?\n" } |
I can't for the life of me figure out how sound effects or music editing works! Does anyone have any information anywhere? I suspect that if I already knew how any other tracker worked I would be able to understand this, but I do not.
I read what the manual said but it is too abstract. Can anyone give just a little more information?