I made a web-based tool for extracting and converting MIDI file data to be played in PICO-8. It's nicely interactive and includes a PICO-8 console built into the page so that you can audition the results before you copy the SFX data. Give Denote a try and let me know what you think.

This is by far the best midi to pico-8 converter I've ever tried. It could not be simpler to use. Drag and drop, copy and paste. Thank you so much for this tool you deserve a medal.

for non-musician (like me) the midi to pico tools are invaluable, but requires a linux machine.
Your version makes it even more easy to refine midi file, test pico output and iterate!

works good for less complex songs, but with more tracks, it seems to loose any sense of priority, you cant even guess this one:
edit: does not play anything fsr, it should be fine though

Highly polyphonic music can be a problem. If a track has simultaneous notes in it, denote splits it into separate tracks. If it results in more than 4 tracks then you have a situation where you are going to have missing notes because you must choose from a subset of tracks and you don't have a lot of control over which notes wound up in which tracks. There may be a better way to sort the notes for track assignment, but I haven't figured that out yet.

@allmightythunder, the repository is here: https://github.com/bikibird/denote You should be able to download the files. Open index.html in your web browser and you should be good to go.

This is really great app, I create some midi music outside of pico, and with this o can use my midi in pico 8. Congratulations... This is a perfect program.
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