Blaseball is the greatest sport in the multiverse, and Gunther O'Brian is the greatest player in Blaseball.
He's not good AT blaseball, mind you. He's really terrible at it. He doesn't know what it is. He's just a penguin. But he's the best penguin, and he's doing great, and whatever happens, IT'S OK.
But you can help Gunther try to be a good pitcher for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, with Gunther O'Brian's Pitching Simulator. Do your best to hit the arrow keys in the right order as fast as possible so Gunther can get a good windup and throw the ball in possibly the correct direction.
You're doing great, Gunther!
If you'd like to sing along with the music, it's a tune called Let Me Into The Blaseball that I recorded a few days ago.

Delightful little game! The chiptune cover of "Let Me Into The Blaseball" is also quite nice!

I got a camera man to film gunther doing his thing in pristine quality!

I wish other games told me "it's okay" when I fail miserably at them.

Nice game! Is the throw angle random?
ah, yes!
-- lets use trig why not

i don't know the actual tune's words, so i just made my own
let me into the blaseball,
let me into the glame,
eat up some peanuts and pack your snacks,
just watch out 'cause you might not come back!
so let's root, root, root for the best teams,
if they don't live it's a shame,
but it's one, two, three strikes,
you're out at the blaseball glame!

I like how you didn't code any way for Gunther to ever succeed :I

Gunther succeeds every time he has fun, and he has fun every time he throws the ball.

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