The main objective is to gather as much resources as possible and to upgrade your snake. In order to get resources - snake have to pass them by in the adjacent cell. Each such pass acts as a single mining "tick", and snake's segments contribute additional 1/10 ticks per each passing segment.
When picked-up - the resources are placed into a new segment next to the snake's head or are stacked into the existing segment if it has the same resource type. The maximum stacked amount of resources is:
Block |
Resource |
Max stack size |
Single |
Stack |
Stone |
4 |
Iron |
2 |
Gold |
2 |
N/A |
Coins |
2 |
Note that with growing length snake gets higher mining speed at the price of maneuverability.
When mined some blocks will yield:
this is a "Level Exit". Going through 4 of them would bring snake to the "Shop Gates":
where half or all of collected resources could be sold and then exchanged for upgrades.