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Cart #snakelike-45 | 2020-11-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

SnakeLike is a modern interpretation of classic retro game "Snake". Unlike its counterpart, SnakeLike's player controls a snake that can

  • Mine different resources with increasing speed for a longer snake
  • Strategically sell part or all of these resources
  • Buy upgrades using previously sold resources

Let me know what you think and if anything can be improved!


The main objective is to gather as much resources as possible and to upgrade your snake. In order to get resources - snake have to pass them by in the adjacent cell. Each such pass acts as a single mining "tick", and snake's segments contribute additional 1/10 ticks per each passing segment.

When picked-up - the resources are placed into a new segment next to the snake's head or are stacked into the existing segment if it has the same resource type. The maximum stacked amount of resources is:

Block Resource Max stack size Single Stack
Stone 4
Iron 2
Gold 2
N/A Coins 2

Note that with growing length snake gets higher mining speed at the price of maneuverability.

When mined some blocks will yield:

this is a "Level Exit". Going through 4 of them would bring snake to the "Shop Gates":

where half or all of collected resources could be sold and then exchanged for upgrades.

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