@rcsweeney and my Pico-8 jam 2 cart.
left and right to float.
o and x to rotate your bubbles.

I dig it. Would be a good foundation for a P8 port of Downwell too.

I have been following* this game since 0.1. Now it looks waaay better, really cool, you made a great gameplay out of that initial sketch. Congrats, hope you have this finished soon!
By the way, my high is a negative score (? I gained too many bubbles and this is what happened:

I think you should check that :P

This is stupendous! Love the music. I found myself yelling maniacally at the huge mass of bubbles I was floating around with.
It seemed odd to pass bubbles floating inside terrain.
And when I got enough, the bonuses wrapped around and stole all my points. Maybe a scoring system that considers consecutive bubbles, or even something really annoying like adjacent bubble colors.

Oh this is very nice! Nice game, lots of fun! Great music! An excellent entry!

I really like this!
I feel that you could add some extra depth to the gameplay, to add extra goals or mechanisms.
Collision detection could also be more accurate.
But nice work!

This is some very nice work!
The big lines that go up should probably be thinner, I thought I had to dodge them. :s
Otherwise, the concept is really cool and execution is very good too! I really like the aspect of the walls!
I did 16384!

cool concept and nice, polished execution!
are the colors random every time the cart is restarted? that's a fun touch

Thank you all for the very kind words! The colours are randomised every time the game starts and the score is a little unstable. Hope to collaborate more on this soon! The big lines in the background could certainly be thinner sometimes I try and avoid them!

Really fun little game! Love connecting the bubbles. I included it in my Pico-8 Jam #2 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

Now that I realise you can rotate the bubbles, this is even cooler! I pressed buttons at the beginning but I didn't have any bubbles so I didn't realise they did anything.
Plus, i had not read the manual :)
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