What would YOU do if you were a millionaire?
Meowlionaire knows what's up. This chubby cat is a modern-day Robin Hood, with pie-in-the-sky dreams of raiding a trove of gold, and redistributing the wealth to the feline working class. Rumors have been floating around about a billionaire's secret hoard, stashed up in the cloudtops. 1750 of those coins could feed the hungry for years, and if we're not kidding ourselves, nobody's gonna notice that they're gone. So Meowlionaire straps on a jetpack and launches into the clouds with a dream in her heart and a money sack in her paw. Equity for all, here we come!
[Arrows] Walk
[Z] Jump
[X] Map
[Enter] Pause
Special Moves
[Jetpack] Grab a jetpack to fly sky-high!
[Roof walk] Bump your head on the ceiling to hang down from it. This should be handy for crossing tricky gaps!
Remember to check your map often. It'll show you how many coins remain in each quadrant, so you can scour each one as needed! The game ends once you've collected every last one of the game's 1750 coins. Good luck, Meowlionaire!

Good but jumping is a little quirky.
Try this. On level ground, hold the jump button down and choose left or right quickly. After a short while the "frog?" doesn't jump until having "left" the horizontal quadrant he is on.

@dw817 - I think that has to do with me using BTNP() for jumping. I might build a custom function for this sort of jumping in the future, since I was looking for the 1-frame action of BTNP() but not the repetition of it. Thanks for giving it a try! :)

I had an issue where the music stopped after I restarted the game from the menu. And there were a few coins I couldn't figure out how to get (below the cat).

Neither of the nearby jetpacks seem to reach it. Am I missing something?
Aside from that I really enjoyed this game. Great work!

Yep, I like the game too, eggnog.
Would be neat to have a save option. If there are only 256-coins are less, it should be preliminary to write code to do this.
If you record each coin as a single BIT, however, you can save up to 2048 of 'em, 8-per byte.
If you want to save more than 256-bytes, I can help with that.

@ToyCrab - Thanks for playing! I hadn't noticed the music-stopping issue, though it should be able to be fixed by choosing 'Music On/Off' in the pause menu. As for the impossible coins, I'd fixed them on Newgrounds and Itch, but hadn't realized that I missed the update over here! The new version's up, if you'd like to try your hand at grabbing the last coins! :)
@dw817 - There's already a save option implemented. You need to collect all the coins in one of the 32 quadrants, and the game automatically logs the memory to the cart! Thanks for the offer, though.

Does it ? Hmm ... Need to play it again. I sometimes can't see the forest for the green.

I love this game! It's so relaxing. No enemies, just collecting coins! But it's a bit of a puzzle too, which I like.
I'm stuck on these last 8 coins though... any tips?


Edit: Oh I think this is the one @ToyCrab mentioned as well

@wmhilton - that's so odd! All of those impossible coins have been fixed in V3. When you look at the cart ID (just below the game screen), does it say meowlionaire-3, or is it perhaps 1 or 2? I'll try to embed the most recent version here:
Anyway, if Lexaloffle isn't showing the right version for ya, you can find an updated version over on my Itch page! https://eggnog.itch.io/meowlionaire
And thanks for playing. :)

Eggnog, for sake of simplicity, you could display the version in a non-obtrusive location constantly during gameplay like one of the screen corners so there is no question the "unreachable" coins problem has been resolved for the player.

@eggnog Oh I was playing it inside PICO-8 using splore. I haven't updated in a while so I'm probably running a stale version.

I just noticed the title of this thread is Meowlionaire 1.4 but the actual game on this BBS page says Meowlionaire 1.1 ?

@dw817 - It seems that the game is properly uploaded for anybody running an updated version of splore, so there's no need for that.
@wmhilton - That's fair! Try refreshing your games list in splore or installing the newest version of P8 and hopefully that will fix the issue!
As for why the cart title won't update to Meowlionaire 1.4 to match the thread title, I'm not entirely sure. Since the current build works, I'm not too particularly concerned with the naming issue!

As I was playing I was thinking, hmm ... Cats. I'm not very good with animation but here are a few I doodled up.
![]() |
[8x8] |
![]() |
[8x8] |
Didn't know if you could use these in your game. Before I thought about the title, I always thought this was a bumble-bee sticky with honey collecting nectar pods which is why he could stick to the ceiling. :)

@dw817 - Those look cool! I'm quite happy with how my cat looks, but I'm sure you could use those graphics for a game of your own. :)
It's always tricky to make graphics in PICO-8 look 'just' like they're supposed to, due to the low res. So you kinda have to use your imagination a bit. :P

Well you ROCK for game design and animation, EggNog.
I am not very good when it comes to actually animating sprites - whatever they may be.
Going to try and finish up this Halloween game today if I can - and get it posted.
Forgot to STAR this game, doing so now.
Please keep me informed of future games you make. Love your work !

Well, thanks dw817! That's sure a lot of compliments in one post. I really appreciate you playing and working your way to the end of the game! :)

Perfect for playing casually, with a really nice ending :) Great game.
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