@Skulhhead1924 you can either hack the cart or play a super simple (but still playable) tweettweet jam version of doodle jump :)

Despite not having a 1 player mode and some parts being absent, it's a nice little multiplayer port of Doodle Jump. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I've seen many of these kinds of games, @egordorichev. Gold star work here.
Perhaps you could add a 1-slot inventory to it ? Something you can collect on higher levels that saves you by pressing 🅾️ or ❎ to rocket up without a platform.
That 1-slot inventory could also be used to house other interesting and unique products that facilitate your climb to the top.

Mods and @zep. I marked the two above as SPAM. I would like to please have the ability in Lexaloffle to not only mark items as SPAM but have them removed upon being marked.
This (above) is 2-spam within hours of each other.
Failing that a check could be made to see if the very first post someone makes includes a LINK. If so it is deemed suspicious
and held where only they can view it but other members and those offline cannot.

There is an "Out of memory" error ...
Start the game, let one player fall off, then wait 1~2 minutes.
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