Foreverred is a mod of Celeste Classic that took over a year to develop. Starting as a update to my first mod, Everred, it grew into a full re-imagining of the levels, and eventually into the biggest Celeste Classic mod ever released.
The mod is over three times the size of the original game, and features brand new levels, mechanics, sprites, and music - huge thank you to my friends Augie745 and RubyRed for their wonderful original tracks!
Z - Jump
X - Dash
Arrow Keys - Move
E - Toggle Flashing Effects
Lots of credit to Maddy and Noel from EXOK Games for the original game, and to the Celeste Classic Discord for all the help and feedback. Extra special thank you to my developer friends Gonen and Meep, who helped optimize, compress, and fit everything into one PICO-8 cartridge. This project wouldn't have been possible without them.
v1.1 patch notes:
v1.2 patch notes:

(and potentially one of the largest single-cart pico-8 projects) i don't wanna sound rude, but no this isn't the largest single-cart pico 8 project this belt belongs to the no man's sky pico 8 version and the poom pico 8 game

@prismo18 Don't mean to start anything,but potentially isn't like:"Yeah that's totally right" and poom is multi-cart...I don't know about no man's sky p8 (that's all I have to say).

Well...It's actually Low Mem's Sky. Also I found a way to get past the first level without the chest, still figuring out level 2. Okay! New challenge: How far can you get without getting the chest?

Gemskip stuck at 300m...
Either I'm stuck or I need to learn those fancy spike-manip strats? hmmm

@Jerry_Boy You can beat the whole game without getting it :) The game explicitly acknowledges the route at the end screen, as it's a popular challenge run in vanilla Celeste Classic and many of its other mods. It might require some extra knowledge of speedrun-tech though.

40:58 normal first playthrough
One of the greatest mods of all time!
Edit: improved to a 22 second try!

This mod is just incredible! Everything feels extremely polished and all of the rooms are super fun. Gemskip was probably the most fun I've ever had playing a celeste mod. Trueskip was hard as nails, but still pretty fun. The last room in trueskip was so awesome.

Is there an actual thing you have to grab for the golden reddish, or do you just do the level deathless.

probabbly the most hardest and challenging mod for me because i took 1:18:12 for me

01:11:28 Time
Deaths 967
Berries 4
Normal This mod is hard but its so fun.

Edit I did a speedrun but did not post it i get 00:22:29
161 deaths

Finally managed to do Gemskip, what a nightmare, but really fun and accomplishing

@HouseinTheTrees posted the patch notes here:


dang I haven't ever gemskipped anything before and it's super hard.
trueskip here we come...
oh no.

I did gemskip :)
Edit: forgot to mention I did all berries as well

12 berries
224 deaths
33:01 time
3rd try
firs try it reset and second try i got 11 berries dont know what time i got

Man, I loved this even after I beat it I want to play it again. would love if they made more levels.

i just love a single level because of a really easy sike clip lol, other thn that, this is hard, but not to an ufair state, nice.

Mod review: 10/10 My favorite mod by FAR, there are so many different layers and challenges and easter eggs (Im looking at you snake) in one mod.
The difficulty progression is perfect in the main levels themselves, I love the last level with the reference to normal Celeste, it gives a really good feel to the ending.
I love all the different challenges the mod has to offer and I have yet to lose interest in the mod or be at a loss of things to work towards.
After I beat my first any% run with a time of like 1:30.00 I was hooked.
Since then I have done 100%, Gemskip, 100% Gemskip, and I just finished any% deathless when posting this. I've put way too many hours into this mod (30ish) and am going for true skip next.


I Beat This Mod "ForeverRed" With A Gemskip Like Normal Mode!
After 54:21, I Beat Gem skip With No Berries Within 0.4K Deaths (470 Deaths)

And I Recommend You Do The Normal Mode

I Have Beaten ForeverRed With A Gemskip With All Reddishes!
After 20 Minutes Of Practicing Gemskip All Reddishes, I Have Successfully Got A World Of Champions (Gemskip)

And I Recommend You Do A Normal Mode With All Reddishes

OMFG its finaly over, The golden redish :D spent alot of hours on this -_- YATTA!!
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