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Cart #picolumia-0 | 2020-10-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A demake of Mixolumia. Thanks to the wonderful davemakes for giving me permission to do this!

The goal is to reach level 15 by clearing 450 blocks. If the board fills up you lose.

You clear blocks in 2 ways:

  • getting 3 or more blocks of the same color in a straight line
  • putting 4 blocks of the same color together to make a diamond



  • move current quad left or right


  • hard drop current quad to the bottom of the board

❎ (z/c/n)

  • rotate counter clockwise

🅾️ (x/v/m)

  • rotate clockwise

Press ❎ + 🅾️ to start the game!

Playing on mobile

If you're playing on mobile, I recommend swapping the rotation buttons with the inverse rotation pause menu option.

Drop shadow

Some players find the falling block shadow confusing. If you would rather turn it off, you can toggle whether it displays with "hide shadow" and "show shadow" in the pause menu.


The full code (broken up into multiple files for readability) is available on github here.

If you're curious, you can follow the development progress on twitter.

Finally, if you like this, please go check out the original Mixolumia. It's gorgeous, juicy, addictive, and relaxing, and the dynamic soundtrack is absolutely amazing. Plus it uses the PICO-8 color palette!



  • Break up code into tabs for people modifying the game
  • Fix bug where new quads immediately moved down one space on spawn
  • Add option to display milliseconds for speedrunners


  • Add option to invert rotation controls for mobile players
  • Optimize particle logic to reduce lag at high levels
  • Reduce the total number of particles to reduce lag
  • Reduce initial repeat delay for button presses
  • Allow quad to turn during hard drop
  • Fix bug where the shadow slide indicator arrow would still show on screen after winning

Old versions

Cart #picolumia_1-1 | 2020-10-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #picolumia_1-0 | 2020-10-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Well done!


This is awesome! I got hooked, downloaded the original game, and have been playing round after round for a few days now. It is gorgeous and the music is incredible - highly recommend to anyone else reading! This lovely PICO-8 version totally holds up too though. Looks, feels, and sounds great - you've adapted it beautifully. Well done and thanks for introducing me to Mixolumia!!


The sound effects are so SATISFYING.


Very nice game. Thanks :)

brilliant demake! Watched davemakes develop this from scratch on twitter. In fact I was the person who suggested he add the rush mode time attack!

only thing i want is a high score saving feature as its very hard for me to clear 450, id like to be able to see at a glance what my highest score so far is. any chance of that?

I got addicted to this little demake. Such a nice job on SFX!

Took me some time to pass all 15 levels, the perspective is first confusing but challanging. A truly addictive game – beautiful piece of work!

Really fun, wish there wasnt a vibration everytime you moved though

@andrewedstrom I'm Noticing that theres a level counter that goes up to 15. I haven't gotten that far yet but I'm assuming the game ends when you do. Could you consider adding a Infinite mode, ether where It gets faster & faster Until the game crashes or Maxes out at lvl 15?

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