This is a low-res demake of Friday Night Funkin' made in PICO-8 for Pico Day 2021.
We tried to stay as faithful as possible to the original game while working within PICO-8's limitations, so we hope you enjoy :)
[UPDATE 12/25/2021]
- Added Cocoa from Week 5
- Keyboard controls are now Arrow Keys, WASD, and ASKL
- Mobile controls are infinitely better
If you would like to mod the game, check it out on GitHub:
The README includes relatively in-depth explanations on how to get started with making a mod of your own!
Arrow Keys, WASD or ASKL on Keyboard
Left, Down, X, A on Xbox Gamepad
Left, Down, Square, Cross on Playstation Gamepad
Programming/Music - Carson Kompon
Art - Chris West

OH MY GOD FINALLYYY. I was waiting for someone to re/demake FNF in P8! This is what I wanted.
Only complaint would be that there's only Hard difficulty. Apart from that and the fact that Spooky Month is GONE this is an incredibly good demake! Good job!

@wallgraffiti This game was a submission for Newgrounds' Pico Day 2021. We ran out of time to add the lower difficulties (and I plan on adding them sometime soon) and we ran out of spritesheet space on the select screen for any more characters :(
Glad you enjoyed the game in it's current state!

Fair enough for the difficulties, but as for the sprite space, have you considered looking into PX9 data compression? I've heard it's a very efficient way to store more data. It was used in Celeste Classic 2 to store all of the levels, and can be used for basically any form of data. That should give you the boost in space required!

Thank you so much. This is basically fnf but you can play on mobile and the music is 8 bit which is awesome

I already commented on Newgrounds yesterday, but this is fantastic to play on the exe itself! Thanks for sharing the cart!

Great game! I really hope that I can one day take this code and make a custom song on this version!

can you plz add easy and normal to make it closer to the real game

this is not a complaint or anything. but it would feel like the real game with easy and normal mode

I would really suggest that you add a setting for audio/video latency, apart from adding new difficulties, that is the only suggestion I have.

this game is great! it seems huge, even for a pico 8 game. I love the chiptune that replaced the music. Amazing!

well done but:
- enter key??
- difficultly? I understand I am not the target audience but can anyone win a round?!????

Took me a while to get used to the controls, but this is a really good demake of FNF!

Good good, now that there is normal. I would like to experience the Spooky Month though.

Tried to perfect tutorial music to the best of my ability. I think I did pretty well!

@wallgraffiti Hey that's really good! I'd love to see more people make mods as time goes on :)
EDIT: I updated the post to include a link that should help modders get their feet off the ground in making their own custom songs/charts :)

not finished yet, but here's a mod i made
(the music takes a little bit to start)

pretty nice dude!! imma make a video on this
my youtube is heartstone gamin'

@mazenomg125 You can look up the original Pico Night Funkin, this is a fan mod for the de-mod made on Pico-8. It's basically the original, and really fun!

@cubee Dang I can actually play that one its really fun! we need an easy mode for the noobs like me lol.

@cubee That's so sick! I'd love to see the finished version when you're done :)
EDIT: I love the extra touches such as the shadow beneath the characters and the modified arrows. Good stuff!

tried my best to improve the graphics
also changed the tunes

@jo560hs Wow, I love the way you make girlfriend bounce in the bg. If it's okay with you, I think I'm gonna add that to all the carts 😳

i updated my mod. the song now has a full beatmap and Ninja Cat's sprites were updated slightly.
the hard difficulty uses the normal beatmap.

friendly rap battle against meat boy
no fighting over girlfriend here nope
@CarsonK I think that would be awesome!
Thing for fello modders which wanna change the music:
i made an equation which calculates synctime, with the "speed" variable being the speed of the vocal sfx's:

I like the fact that these mods are only for this game on pico 8

I'm Saying this because these are mods only for this specific pico 8 cart

This is gonna upstage celeste, how come this hasn't blown up yet?! You deserve probably a medal for almost perfectly remaking this game with a multicart! I am already seeing mods for this cart and it makes me so happy to see a beautiful game come out of nowhere!

This is the best PICO-8 game ever made, my only complaints are that is too easy (like the og lol) and no spooky month, but other than that, i love it!

QUiero una actualizacion pero con mejores graficos y niveles con mejor decorados de fondo.

dadbattle into bside dadbattle
update: would not load #fnf_select_jo560hs when you beat the song

@jo560hs the B-sides are some of my favourite modded songs, and to see it remade in Pico Night Punkin' is super cool. That was really well made, keep it up :)

The VS Shaggy FNF Mod remade in the PNP engine!
For the controls, they should be ASD⬅️⬇️➡️ on pico-8 app, and SDF⬅️⬇️➡️ on browser
For more information about controls, go to Pause Menu>Options>Controls
In the pause menu, turning off "CHAD MODE" will allow ghost presses (pressing when no note is there)
Having "CHAD MODE" on will lower your HP every time you press when no note is there
(this is not supposed to be offensive, it's just a joke from the original Shaggy mod)
Play the original VS Shaggy Mod:
Hope you enjoy!
Edit: lowered HP count and added random mode
2nd Edit: fixed ground being transparent on the edges
3rd Edit: fixed misspelling in _init()

@jo560hs You continue to blow me away with the mods you've been making. I can't believe you made this with my garbage code :O
You should upload your own Game Over cart that sends you back to the correct cart upon losing :)
Other than that, this is fantastic, and I can't wait for what's next ;)

@jo560hs Wow, Shaggy changed the whole arrow placement with probably 1% of his power, why would anyone be so bold to challenge him at 1%?! (who knew a virgin could rap him out lol)

@jo560hs I'm so excited to see this modpack evolve. Consider making a separate bbs post for this! This is all real well made and it deserves a spotlight of it's own :P
EDIT: Dying still sends you to #fnf_gameover instead of #fnf_gameover_jo560hs :P
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