Space Crawler is a turn based dungeon crawler with Sci-Fi setting, inspired by StarCrawlers.
Thanks to freds72 and waynau
Any comments or criticisms are welcome :)
release 1.5.0 (2024-09-03)
- add range in combat
- influences weapon effectiveness
- influences flee percentage
- updated infopoint
- small updates in mission screen
- tweaked inventory on combat
(checks the conditions for the turn change and exits if it is the enemy's turn)
release 1.4.6 (2024-06-30)
- fix "hacking" skill
- tweaked flee
release 1.4.5 (2024-06-28)
- fix "crawler" skill
release 1.4.4 (2024-06-27)
- fix game end text
- fix infopoint text
- small fix in skill text
- it shows your record (credits) on title screen
release 1.4.3 (2024-06-26)
fix infopoint screen
- fix combat "flee" percentage in some situation
- updated faction description
release 1.4.2 (2024-06-24)
- fix weapon generation
- updated infopoint screen
release 1.4.1 (2024-06-24)
- fix bug in inventory screen during combat
- fix possible bug when flee from combat
- change "mine" color
release 1.4.0 (2024-06-22)
- add "defensive position" in combat, both player and enemies
(you lost turn but lower you chance to be hit and gain AP) - doubled the power of enemy weapons (now are on par with player weapons)
release 1.3.4 (2024-06-20)
- fix a bug in combat system
release 1.3.3 (2024-06-14)
- fix game end bug (now game ends as intended)
- fix use item bug (more test needed)
release 1.3.2 (2024-06-14)
- fix a bug in 3d view
release 1.3.1 (2024-06-14)
- fix training screen
- inverted X and O (X select, O cancel)
- token optimization
release 1.3.0 (2023-12-22)
- game shows current XP and XP needed for next level
- game shows XP gained if mission was accomplished (no XP gain for combat)
- game assign you XP when you complete a mission (really great BUG fix)
- tweaked faction relation and faction power
- modify encounter occurence behaviour
- health restored when mission ends
release 1.2.8 (2023-01-08)
- fix Hacking bug
- update Hacking skill description
release 1.2.7 (2021-09-19)
- fix for a deifferent PRINT's behavior in pico-8 v0.2.3
release 1.2.6 (2021-08-28)
- fix inventory bug
- token optimization
release 1.2.5 (2021-08-28)
- fix a MAJOR regression bug
release 1.2.4 (2021-03-04)
- removed workaround for a pico-8 0.2.2 bug (solved in version 0.2.2b\c)
release 1.2.3 (2021-02-28)
- workaround for a pico-8 0.2.2 bug
- token optimization
release 1.2.2 (2020-12-25)
-- Players should begin a new carreer.
- fix a MAJOR bug in mission level
(target item cold be placed in non-interactive object) - fix a MAJOR bug in items load from Cartridge Data
- fix infopoint descriptions
- removed credits and space in "Iron Waste" screen
- shop price based on faction relation (enemy|neutral|fliendly)
- BioTech : weapons and armours (+50%|+25%|+0%)
- ChemLab : grenade,medikit,medicine (+32%|+16%|+0%)
- Trade Lg: all items (+20%|+10%|+0%)
- Datastick price depends on NewLight's relation
(0cr|standard value|doubled value) - sell value are inferior (or equals if you have allies) to buy value
- add available skill point near "Iron Waste" in "Station Hub" screen
- item credits multiply by 10 (plus credits due to factions'relation)
- mission credits multiply by 10
- player starts with 250 credits
- enemy weapons have half power (compared to same player weapon)
- enemy armour have half protection (compared to same player armour)
- halved the enemy encounter in maps
- object in mission levels are reduced to 15
- fix mission exit messages.
- improved mission debriefing
release 1.2.1 (2020-12-19)
- correction of text errors
- swap stun and poison medicine icons (red=stun, green=poison)
- swap stun and poison grenade icons (red=stun, green=poison)
- improved infopoint screen
release 1.2.0 (2020-12-18)
- cartdrige data-id changed (previus saves where lost due to incompatibility)
- removed cracking skill (player uses hacking for all locks)
- burn effect is replaced by poison effect (and fire icon is replaced by green drop)
- weapons have a little chanche to gain an effect (stun, blind, poison)
- kinetic weapons can stun
- energy weapons can blind
- melee weapons can poison
- enemies can have a weapon that can stun, blind or poison the player
- all effects are removed after a combat
- add effect's descriptions in infopoint screen (removed from grenade description)
- add medicines (used only by player):
- stimulant: add AP during combat
- unblind : remove blind effect
- antitode : cure poisoning
- fixed AP when change weapon or armour during combat
- fixed turn calculation when exit from inventory during combat (minimum allowed AP in inventory is -3)
- max hit chance is 99% (previously is 100%). Now there is allways a chance to miss
- player can not remove a weapon or armour but only change them
- alien "Spider" is renamed to "Skorpion" and it's icon is updated
- update grenade icons
release 1.1.4 (2020-10-18)
- tweaked flee in combat
- tweaked Infopoint screen
- token optimization
release 1.1.3 (2020-10-05)
- fix a rare bug in level generation (door's placement)
- add a message when player fail to flee from a combat
- fix negative value for flee percentage
- fix flee mechanics
release 1.1.2 (2020-09-25)
- start inventory fix. Now you have a "Light Blade" as intended.
release 1.1.1 (2020-09-13)
- token optimization
update 1.1.0 (2020-08-12)
This is a major update
- Item creation overhawl
- Add a new type of weapons: Blade (Melee weapon) and relative Skill (Melee)
- Remove shields. Now armours can have protection for all type of weapons
- Grenades efficency is tested against enemy level vs grenade level and not armour defence
- Add Flash Grenade: it blinds enemy and halves his chance to hit and doubles your chance to flee
- Add Fire Granade: it burns enemy and remove HP for every turn (amount based on granade level)
- Shop has 10 random items
- Player start with a gun and a knife (light blade) in the inventory
- token optimization
update 1.0.6 (2020-08-09)
- bugfixing
update 1.0.5 (2020-08-07)
- fix random seed handling
- token optimization
update 1.0.4 (2020-07-14)
I try to rebalance the game. Now the enemy are far less strong.
- rework of enemy creation (now are much less strong and with less variation)
- reworked weapon power calculation. Power is lower and price is based on level (lower price)
- reduced start credits to 20
- doubled medikit base hp
- mission alert now has 6 levels (0-5 instead of 1-5)
- updated faction power and faction relationship management after a mission
- now player start with a base equipment (laser gun (lsr.gun), light armour (l.armour), light shield (l.shield))
- update and fix inventory screen during combat
- add savegame on buy or sell items
- add savegame when start a mission
- small update in exploration screen
- when player levels up, his health is fully restored
- token optimization
update 1.0.3 (2020-07-12)
- fix defence bug when calculating damage. defence is allways 0 (thanks to @waynaul)
- reworking the calculation of the possibility of hitting with grenades
- improved inventory screen in combat
- small improvements in skill screen (Iron Waste)
update 1.0.2 (2020-07-12)
- fix some typos
- optimize tokens
update 1.0.1 (2020-07-10)
- fix music handling
- fix game-end screen
- fix level generation
- fix grenades in combat
- optimize tokens

This game gives me fond memories of playing old D&D CRPGs. I think you did a great job with the 3D levels.
I think I need some guidance on how to make progress. When I purchase a weapon, armor and shield from the store, I seem to only have enough AP to equip the weapon, and I die against the first enemy. I then tried training on a stat that grants AP and I was able to equip everything, but the enemies are still hitting me for 40 HP so I die against the third enemy.
I've only played a handful of times so far, but I can already see the tremendous amount of work and polish you put into this game, and I can see there is a lot of depth in the mechanics and lore as well

waynaul Thanks for your post.
Although not as complex as the old D&Ds, it has more mechanics than it can explain in the game screens.
I think it's a mistake in a game, so I'll try to correct it.
Below there is an explanation of the mechanics.
Combat Effects
- Stun : depletes target's AP (target AC + Weapon Level)
- Blind : blinds the target by halving the chance to hit and double the chance to escape
- Poison: reduces the target's HP each turn of the target (1 + Weapon Level)
Combat Weapons
There are 3 types of weapons
- Laser (Energy Weapon - ENW Skill) - small probability to have blind effect
- Guns (Kinetic Weapon - KNW Skill) - small probability to have stun effect
- Blades (Melee Weapon - MLW Skill) - small probability to have poison effect
3 types of grenades
- Stun grenades (Throwable Weapon - TRW Skill) - stun effect
- Flash grenades (Throwable Weapon - TRW Skill) - blind effect
- Poison grenades (Throwable Weapon - TRW Skill) - poison effect
Combat Armours
Armours that can protect from the 3 weapon types
- Kinetic protection against Guns
- Energy protection against Lasers
- Melee protection against Blades
E.S.: If you have an armour that does not protect against Kinetic weapons, an enemy with a Gun does to you the maximum damage that his gun can do... and vice versa.
Armours have a small protection against grenades (it depends on the difference between grenade and armour level)
- Medikit : restore HP
- Stimulant: adds AP during combat
- Unblind : removes blind effects
- Antitode : cures poison
Combat Actions
- AP: represents the Action Points Pool. More AP more actions. Can be negative.
- AC:
- character: represents the number of AP (+1) that a character restores each turn
- weapons : represents the number of AP consumed when used or when wielded
when wielded reduces player AC by the same amount - armour : represents the number of AP consumed when weared
when weared reduces player AC by the same amount - items : represents the number of AP consumed (or added for stimulants) when used
Character progression
Currently the maximum level that can be reached is 9, so when you get to level 10 the game ends.
Fore each level you gain 2 skill points (SKP) for a maximum of 20.
Each skill can have max 4 points.
Factions have 2 properties:
- Power (PWR): indicates how close the faction is to controlling the Galactic Council (90%)
- Relationship (REL): indicates the relationship with the player.
If a faction becomes hostile to you (REL<25%), it will no longer give you missions.
If all factions become hostile to you, the game ends.
If a faction gains control of the Galactic Council, the game ends with a different end per faction.

same comment - first encounter (unpredictable but ok), I miss all my shots.
Tried multiple times, first enemy = insta death
Suggest to improve game balance!

Combat issues (except unpredictable) where solved with version 1.0.4 and bilance improved.
For sure the game balance needs more tests.
Tank you very much for your post.

Hello @ViperSnake75, it seems that the game is broken, at least on this page.
There is a Syntax Error L181 TAB2

Sorry I dont have a gif for you.
Encountered this bug on a mission -- I was in my second room and ran into an enemy. I went into my inventory during the fight and then pressed left or right I believe... Might have even pressed both at the same time. Then this error came up.
Fun game though! :D

@professir Thank you for playing the game and for bug report :).
I have fixed it today with the 1.2.6 version :).
And, as allways, any comments or criticisms are welcome :).

Thanks for sharing this! I'm excited to give this a go. The visual style looks neat!
I think there's a bug, though :O It feels like something is off with the way that furniture is drawn. When walking around, it appears that the room is moving correctly (e.g. when I step forward, the wall approaches) but the furniture (plants, computers) are moving in reverse (when I step forward, the furniture moves away from me). It's like I'm looking backwards at the furniture, but forwards at the room. I hope that's a helpful description? XP
Here's a screenshot:

I think @pdog is right about the position of objects in the room. The east/west position is reversed. North/south positions are correct.
I had some fun building up levels in snake_scrwl_1-30, but also had a few problems:

@pdog. The 3d bug is fixed. It is a my fault during "token optimization". I revert to the old code for that feature.

@Cowirrie. The game shoud end at that conditions.
I will investigate them.
What do you think about combat?

@ViperSnake75 Thank you for the quick fix!
The game is very enjoyable! I like the different themes for the faction bases. Running around looking for loot is fun! At first I felt combat was quite easy, but a little later I'm struggling a bit because I used a medium gun without the action points to match :S I'll have to pay more attention next time!
I found another small bug, while trying to use a Stimulant in battle:

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