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I finally managed to tie all the loose ends together in my Outrun-esque racer. There's only one route, but the controls have some nuance which should make for healthy competition.

I know very little about 3D and projection and stuff, so most of the tech is from this excellent article:

Have fun! And what's your best time?

Cart #55231 | 2018-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Looks great and the steering feels good. I'd say it decelerates far too quickly when you let off the gas, though. Letting off the gas here is practically what I'd expect the brakes to do at speed.

Good racing game. It definitely does indeed, as you said, remind me me of the arcade game, "Outrun."



Agree on letting go of the gas. To be honest I wanted to tweak the values, but the code was so old so I decided not to rock the boat. :o


Now we have Rad Racer/Outrun on Pico-8...

This is SO damn good Johan.
Plays just like the original arcade-style racers.

A sweet, petrol-fuelled nostalgia hit! :D


I got:40.95.
That isn't too bad, is it?

That's not too bad I got a 40.06

I got a really nice feeling playing this - reminded me of playing Super Hang-On in front of the TV as a kid! Very cool.


Cool! The best I've seen is 38.39 s.
Glad you enjoyed it.


Wait a moment. Is that skyline Seattle?

Wow, very nice. I like how the sun helps me see which direction I'm going.

Very fun and relaxing to play. Great game!


Map is a little too short but really cool

Maybe a few more biomes @johanp 🤣? Amazing game!

this is wicked fun!!! i love the design of everything, and unlike a lot of pseudo-3D racing games, this has no issues with seeing ahead.

the brakes are a little strong, but that's a tiny criticism to apply to an otherwise infinitely satisfying racing game.

Your still up?

If I only mastered Lua for racing games like this, as I attempt to make one similar to Turbo OutRun (The theme is a cross-country race between New York and Los Angeles, covering most of the major cities)

My personal record so far is 00:38.46 - any one fancy to create a category on speedrun.com?

Wow!!! Really good job. For a moment I was humming the song in Outrun...

Really cool game. You should hide the controls help once the race starts for a better immersion.

My friends, finally I've achieved 00:38.33

my best time was 40.69 after a few tries.

I got 41.33 not bad :P

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