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Real Time Celester

Cart #rtcelester-0 | 2019-11-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Inspired by OrangeKnife's Celeste corrupter and the Real Time Corrupter by CorruptedBytes, it's the Real Time Celester! A hack for Celeste that corrupts the game in real time as you play. Can you beat it before the game implodes upon itself? Post your times and your discoveries below!

Q: How is this different from the original Celeste corrupter?
A: Instead of using a fixed seed for the corruptions, the realtime corrupter randomly blasts corruption every certain amount of frames. This way the game get's more hectic and crazy as it goes along.

Q: How does it work?
A: The two settings on the main menu control the amount of frames per corruption blast (Frametime), and how many bytes to corrupt per frametime (Amount). It does this using the poke function, which allows you to change any byte of the program loaded into memory while it's running. It basically just uses that function coupled with a random number everytime it wants to corrupt another byte.

Q: Could you theoretically corrupt the corrupter?
A: There's a chance, albeit slim, and if it happens, god help us all.

Play the original Celeste here! https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2145


I beat it in 3:25 with 8 deaths! I was really scared of it crashing lol.


I made it past about a third of the game, when Madeline/controlled character was gone on the start of the next level, so I guess I could say the run's dead.

Edit: I played again and there were two Madelines, which made the game problematic.


got a 2:11 first try. second try madeline did a madegone and i softlocked

Challenge: beat at normal settings
Challenge difficulty: Normal
Review: A new taste for an old dish, Realtime corruptor for celeste adds lots of possibilities for new fun.

I finished the game in 0:25 seconds, due to the spawning of a flag at 500m, with no deaths and 2 strawberries. The flag's a new one for me.

How would corrupting the corruptor happen ??
I thought peek and poke couldn't touch any Lua variables.


0 deaths

0 strawberries

10 seconds

It's really handy when the spring turns into the summit flag

I keep getting soft-locked with no Madeline.

Wait it can entirely remove the effects of the controls?

@oueoiiaoo yes i realize now that i have been silly :P

Welp I got softlocked shortly after getting green hair because the madaline spawn was overwritten.
was fun though :)



amount 100 frametime 120:

madeline has an out of body experiance

5th attempt

triple madeline

I got a random one where I got 44 seconds because the flag moved

it looks so cool when you put the frame speed to one and the corruption to 1000

no idea what time i even got but the "regain dash" sound was playing constantly in the final ~2 minutes and summit flag spawned out of nowhere

I made it to the final level in world 3 and then i got soft locked :(
Edit: I managed to do it without softlocking!!!


it corrupted and made a very off megalovania lol

set frametime to 1, and amount to something triple digit and up, it's a rave.

hey @AdamMcKibben

i was wondering if you were okay with me taking the corrupter part from here and putting it into a celeste procedural generator. just wanted to make sure if your okay with that.

[[ C P time on level πL P

wow! [[ C P is a great time!


Sorry for the late reply, feel free!

@AdamMcKibben the cart is now up! sorry it took so long. i got caught up in other projects!

link: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=52737


is if you don't break the speedrun world record you die


imma put this frame rate to 0 see what that does

The game just said No to me making prgress. Really fun mod 10/10

Ok this is realy fun but could you maybe try to remove the invisible walls it gets kinda annoying when I have to remmeber where like 70 different invisible blocks are to make progress.

Does this count as completing the game because I did it.

50 amount 120 frametime and the Mountain looks like theres about to an Avalanche.

Got turned into an ice block ;-;

i did it!!!!!!

i'm so good!!!!!!

1300 meters is so bugged because first, it despawned Madeline, and then one of the balloons disappeared, and THEN the key for the chest just straight up wasn't there! (I know this is part of the mod but like :( )

I got stuck under the map on the summit I was blocked from victory

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