Calling it done :D
Working on a futuristic imagining of Joust as my first PICO-8 project :P
- "O" to recharge lance (when it breaks)
- "X" to ready/put away lance
- Arrow keys to move
-Version 1.0.0- Latest
- Added a small bit of polish to Game Over screen
- Added Instructions screen
-Version 0.7.0-
- Added placeholder music (credit Zep)
- Fixed collision bug
-Version 0.6.0-
- Updated map
- Arena Hazards
- Scoring and Game Over
- Added health
- Adjusted UI
- Fixed collision bug
- Sorry for the fast update
- Fixed memory issue
- Fixed support for spawn positions and animations
- Added spawn positions and animated tiles to map
- Increased version number
- Title screen w/ transitions
- Chained Enemy spawning
- Support for map-defined spawn points and animated tiles (untested)
- Screen shake
- Particles
- Radar
- Decoupled AI
- Lance "breaks" when colliding with obstacles
- Recharge Lance with Z (and then ready/put away as usual)
- Move with arrow keys
- Ready/put away lance with X
- Collision response with map obstacles

Soooooo, because of the current fixed spawn locations, I found that the particles can slam the memory pretty hard :P
I should probably fix that >.>

The only real bit remaining before polish is to make some music and sound effects :)
And maaaaybe an update to the AI...maybe ;P

This is really great. Would love to see it on a bigger screen. Maybe you can shrink the graphics to half size for pico8?

Arena Hazard is 7 enemies destroyed I think? ;P
And I probably won't shrink the graphics down, if only because I'm doing map-based collision, and the bikes are already about as small as I can make them and maintain the aesthetic.
I might change up the radar to be more diegetic tho. And possibly swap out the manual Lance recharge with a boost mechanic. Right now, the red enemies feel kinda unfair when you're below them :shrug:

I am calling this one complete :3
This legitimately makes my first completed hobby gamedev project since I started programming 18 years ago XD

Really cool game. Lightsaber-Lances! Lightlances? What are those things anyway? :-P

After figuring out the trick I went from "cannon fodder" to "godling" rank immediately.
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