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I’ve had a search and I couldn’t find another topic on this, but could be wrong.

I’ve seen quite a few examples of animation, for say a player sprite, and have achieved this in a project I’m working on.

However I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this with larger then 8x8 sprites. I know how to get static ones, but no idea how to animate these larger sprites.

Thanks for any help, and sorry if that makes no sense, I’m awful at explaning!

P#52874 2018-05-20 08:52 ( Edited 2018-05-27 00:27)

I haven't actually tried anything like this, but what I would do is make a table (or add to the table) the 2 sprite indexes. For example:

 sp1=1, -- the top sprite
 sp2=17 -- the bottom sprite

The player's x and y coordinate should be the top sprite's left corner, so you must add 8 to the y variable to draw the bottom part like this:


Hope that helps! ^^

P#52876 2018-05-20 09:18 ( Edited 2018-05-20 13:18)

You can also set the width and height of a sprite.

P#52879 2018-05-20 10:20 ( Edited 2018-05-20 14:20)

Interesting! I will give this a go, see if I can figure out how to implement that. I’m not going to lie though, I struggle hardcore, so we’ll see haha

P#52882 2018-05-20 12:47 ( Edited 2018-05-20 16:47)

The simplest application of animations I've seen have been operations on the base sprite ID. For example, a 2x2 sprite at index 4 would need to increment its ID by 2 (the next slot of 2 sprites) to get the next frame. This happens inside a coroutine, which will keep track of when to advance and when to end. If you'd like, I can try hacking something together this evening to illustrate what I mean.

P#52984 2018-05-24 15:12 ( Edited 2018-05-24 19:12)

Sorry it took another day to get this done! It's a simple demo, not meant to be copy-pasted into your game. If you have any questions (and if others have improvements to suggest), please don't hesitate. I'm still learning how to do animation well, myself.

-- 16x16 animation test
-- by zlg
-- licensed under wtfpl

 this demo illustrates the
 basics of 16x16 sprite
 animation. only left and right
 buttons were implemented, to
 encourage others to learn and
 build on it for their own

-- the player class
player = {
 x = 56,   -- x pos
 y = 64,   -- y pos
 bspr = 2, -- base sprite
 w = 2,    -- # of sprites wide
 h = 2,    -- # of sprites high
 dx = 0,   -- delta x
 dy = 0,   -- delta y
 flip_x = false, -- obvious
 tmr = 0   -- timer for animation

-- player constructor
function player:new(o)
 self.__index = self
 return setmetatable(o or {}, self)

 a very naive function to
 illustrate how sprite-based
 animation can work. take this
 idea and match it to your
function animate(o)
 o.x += o.dx
 o.tmr += 1
 if o.tmr == 3 then
  if o.bspr == 2 then
   o.bspr = 4
   o.bspr = 2
  o.tmr = 0

function _init()
 myplayer = player:new()

function _update60()
 if btn(⬅️) then
   some of this could be put
   into the class itself, but
   it's easier to see what's
   going on this way
  myplayer.flip_x = false
  myplayer.dx = -1.4
 elseif btn(➡️) then
  myplayer.flip_x = true
  myplayer.dx = 1.4
  myplayer.dx = 0
  myplayer.bspr = 2
  checking abs() means we can
  act if the sprite is moving
  at all.
 if abs(myplayer.dx) != 0 then
  if not cor then
   cor = cocreate(animate)
  if cor and costatus(cor) != 'dead' then
   coresume(cor, myplayer)
   cor = nil

function _draw()
 -- pretty standard stuff here
 palt(8, true)
 palt(0, false)
 spr(myplayer.bspr, flr(myplayer.x), myplayer.y, myplayer.w, myplayer.h, myplayer.flip_x)
 print("16x16 sprite anim demo", 25, 0)
 print("by zlg", 48, 8)
 print("x: "..flr(myplayer.x), 0, 0)
 print("y: "..myplayer.y, 0, 8)
 print("the legend of zelda (c) nintendo", 0, 121)

Here's the cart itself:

Cart #53044 | 2018-05-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I hope this helps!

EDIT: If you have animations that are more than 2 frames, you might want to store a "frame offset" that you can increment as the timer triggers, so you aren't manipulating the base sprite value itself. More advanced animations would likely depend on pre-made structures where you can pair up the timer value and the sprite offset, then run it in sequence until it does what you want it to.

P#53045 2018-05-26 18:44 ( Edited 2018-05-26 23:17)

This is great, Thankyou very much for doing this, I’ll take a proper look in the morning and see what I can learn from it!

P#53046 2018-05-26 20:27 ( Edited 2018-05-27 00:27)

Hi,what if I want to use animated 16x16 or 32x32 as the main player sprite? I tried looking all over the place for clues but could not find any, Im just a beginner thank you

P#138456 2023-12-08 19:47

this thread gives answers for that, so I’m unsure how to help

P#138467 2023-12-09 01:18

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