NEST, my first ever PICO-8 project is finished!
Now with better particle effects, two modes for more accessible controls and high-score saving!
At first, this was just a typical "make and throw away" first project, but while making it, it really evolved into a much better experience. I hope some of you will still enjoy it for a couple minutes even though it is far from perfect!
And if you like what you see, consider dropping a buck or two on the game's page:
Update v1.2
- 4-way control scheme
- Shielded enemies - Can only be defeated from one side
- Overheat - Cannot spam dash now
- Difficulty adjustments to timer and hitboxes

Here it is with sound!

Good gameplay, good execution, good job!
note: shielded enemies could produce some visual feedback when hit (but not killed). Dunno, like flashing or shaking...

Okay, noted. At first, there were supposed to be a bing sound, each time you dashed through a shield, and a lower sound was supposed to be heard each second after the time was lower than 3.
The problem with those is that both of them happen so frequently, that they could potentially be annoying.

One of my favourite Pcio-8 games, this. It's simple but fun. I really like it a lot. I made a video for it a year ago, too:

Good cart. Too much an action game for me though. If it's possible you might make a turn-based version for us folk that are not-so-quick-on-the-draw these days. :)

Good idea, a version that’s more puzzle than action, with max number of moves rather than a timer!

Now make this game but it has all the features of nest 2
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