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Cart #52365 | 2018-05-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It's finally here!. Some of you may have seen the video tutorial I was working on over the year. Well, the game is finally ready to be playtested!

How to play

The game is a straight-forward vanilla Breakout / Arkanoid clone. You need to destroy the bricks by hitting them with a ball. If the ball leaves the bottom of the screen you lose. You need to move your pad left and right to keep the ball on the screen.

There are some finer details that make it more interesting. If you move the pad WHILE you hit the ball, you can change the angle of the ball's trajectory. The ball snaps to 3 different angles. There are also different powerups, which appear when you destroy a blue block.

Playtesting Help!

I need your help playtesting the game. There are 15 levels. I need players, who can beat the game. After the you've beaten the game, please go right on the High Score screen. You'll get a screen with numbers. Make a screenshot of that screen and post it here. They are various stats that I want to keep track of.

Also - of course - please let me know if you encounter any bugs or weird behavior. Also, let me know what you would change about the game.

Thanks in advance! Enjoy!


Great game!

This is beautifully done. Nice work!

Hey! You're the guy who made the Pico-8 Overview video for TeamworkCast right? That's the video that sold me on Pico-8! Thanks for making it!!! Nice Breakout clone!

I actually had shared your video series withe NintendoAge, in the "brewery" section (I hail from the NES homebrew community, branching out to Pico-8 lately.)


KHAN Games, a friend from the NES homebrew community I believe first encountered Pico-8 via this thread and your videos, and just released Study Hall: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=30929 a de-make of his own NES game.

Updated the game for the next round of testing. Changelog:

  • Fixed a few bugs where the ball would get stuck

  • Fixed a bug where the score variable would overflow

  • Sudden Death. If there is only one brick left it will turn into a time bomb and explode after a few seconds. If you manage to hit the last brick in that time, you get 100 points.

  • Megaball will last longer now

  • Ball is now visible underneath the message boxes

  • Fast Mode for extra challenge

  • Tweaked the some levels to be more streamlined

@gradualgames Oh man. That`s so cool. I'm glad to see people discovering Pico-8 through the videos.

Very well done!

Couple of comments:

  • arkanoid deserves mouse input!
  • background could be spiced up a bit (imho)
    (that or add a little drop shadow on everything - see below)
  • difficulty is about right
  • you can save tons of tokens by using coma separated initialisation:
local a,b,c=1,2,3
  • you can save even more tokens by creating local variables! (not even mentioning a nice performance speed up)


 for i=1,#ball do
  -- ...
  if ball[i].stuck then
   -- draw trajectory preview dots   


 for i=1,#ball do
  -- yeah, use local vars!
  local b=ball[i]
  -- ...
  if b.stuck then
   -- draw trajectory preview dots   

shaded version:

@freds72 Thanks for the feedback man! Yeah, as you noticed I didn't do too much Token optimization yet. But the trajectory preview looks like a great place to save a bunch!

I will probably not change the background but the shadow on the bricks does look good! Will give it a try.

And no - absolutely no dev mouse in Pico-8. That's heresy!

Hey first of all. THANK YOU VERRY MUCH for your superb YouTube Pico 8 Tutorial ! It was a lot of fun to watch and learn!

Pico 8 is great ! I hope the Android Version of Pico8 will soon come around the corner ! :-)

Amazing work! I am a huge breakout fan and totally blown away by this! Just as I was complaining about the limited resolution I find this! The explosions, the impact of the screen shaking, smooth 60 fps!!! Your game is very inspiring.

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