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Cart #42930 | 2017-07-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry to Ludum Dare #39 compo! Made in 48hrs from scratch!

As you awake from stasis, you find your ship's autopilot has landed you on a derelict station. No human lifesigns for lightyears, but an automated message was picked up that states there is a stargate several lightyears away to take you to the last bastion of human civilisation - Utopia!

But your ship is low on power and you're hungry and everything's really horrible. Can you scavenge enough supplies to reach the stargate before you die/run out of power/starve? Probably not! But good luck anyway!

It's a basic Roguelike where you have to scavenge derelict stations for supplies and avoid alien creatures. At any time you can enter your ship and take off to the next set of destinations, but this costs power, which must be salvaged from the stations. More distant stations tend to offer bigger rewards, but more risk and more power cost to reach.


  • Arrows: Move char, select destination
  • Z: Interact (pickup thing, enter ship, confirm destination)
  • X: Cancel (close destination screen)


  • Blobs and Hackwings will ignore you so long as you stay out their way
  • Solar Farms have a tonne of power to loot.
  • Find upgrades for your equipment quickly! Military Bases always have Weapons or Armor, but also have short range turret defences on site.
  • If you use health kits at full health, you'll increase your max health!
  • Don't starve! Habitats often have frequent food, otherwise you'll have to hunt monsters!
  • Weapons in order of power are: Fists, Crowbar, PBlade, Pistol, Rifle
  • Armor in order of strength are: Suit, Lt. Armor, Med. Armor and Hv. Armor. There's supposedly some rare experimental suit that supposedly regenerates health too!

Happy trails!

  • DragonXVI

Well done! It is an awesome little roguelike especially for freaking 48h!

Now I can delve into your code and lookup the dungeon generator :)

This is so freaking cool. I dropped out of this LD (I just couldn't get into it) but it's great to see what someone did with one of the themes I submitted.

I've had a lot of fun with this. Keep up the great work!

Very cool :) Good-looking and fun, nice work!
Gonna try and locate it on LD so I can vote, but in case I can't find it, please post a link!
e: found it... https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/39/charge


Utterly delightful. Incredibly impressive for a from-scratch compo entry. Very RNG-sensitive, but such is the way of Roguelikes. My first game ended with a 1-cell-wide corridor to the majority of the level blocked off by a turret I couldn't hurt with a crowbar. In the second game I got a rifle early and wow, that thing is good - it cut a slimy and debris-laden trail through to Utopia with 600+ energy to spare.

Might be nice to show what's on the floor beneath you - until you've played a few times it's a blind guess if armour or weapons are upgrades or downgrades.

This is really, really good. I love the attention to detail - the animated moves and the lighting/line-of-sight algorithm. For a compo too! Really good job :)

great game, i hope you continue development on this very much.

I love this game.


Good ROGUE-style game. Plot is a little vague.

If you've got the code space you might add a backstory.

I really like the game, it has some pretty cool and unique things! I did find a glitch on the fourth level, in a room there was a missing wall that led into the void of space, that you could use to escape the map, but I don't really mind that.

Love this game!
The spotlight is a cool detail

good game, my best run net me a surplus of 1k energy at the end and a rifle on warp 2, please add a mini-gun, please...

also the second tier of suit has a glitch were it doesn't re-gen you, don't know why that is.

max health @ end = 73


Really nice rougelike. Found an error in the map though...

Woah this is great! I'm not much of a fan of rogue likes but I really enjoyed playing this 👌


Ok finally beat the darn thing. My only critiques are obvioulsy to fix the holes in the map (actually found a lot of those btw) and maybe to retitle the higher level weapons something that is not a gun, because is doesnt funtion like a gun (hit to attack). I also want to say that basically once you hit a few solar stations you can speed to the end without any problems, so maybe a bigger difficulty curve or making every level have some mandatory playthough? An idea for that would be maybe that every base has an escape pod you have to get to because the one you used to get there is dead. Otherwise this game is pretty awesome. I also love rougelike games so maybe Im biased. Thanks @DragonXVI for creating this! and in 48 hours no less!

Ooooooh! Space Monkey


How do I deal with Turrets? they seem invincible.


got stuck in a stalemate

Just chiming in to say how much I love this game. However... it's a bit imbalanced. I mean, it's a roguelike, you don't expect every game to be fair, but more than once I've found the riffle and

on, like, level 3 and just kinda walked through the rest of the game. Or I get enough energy early on and just jump jump jump straight to the end.
Also, does the heavy suit make you hungry faster? It seems that way. I've starved whenever I wear it. I tend to pass up the heavy armor when I see it, now that I can recognize it.
Going to a milatary base is a strange proposition. You can't defeat turrets with your fists, but you can't get upgrades without exploring the places where turrets are everywhere. And I kinda like this risk-reward scenario, but besides being able to explore more, I don't see a reason to do so. Just hit a solar base and jump jump jump to the end.
I feel like having the weapon you find based on the weapon/suit you currently have (with maybe a 1/20 chance of being 2 better than the one you have, or the
) would give more reason to explore every corner of every level. Also, a big boss battle or some kinda puzzle where you had to balance fixing things while defending yourself at the end would really motivate leveling up.
Overall, I like it, but it's either too easy or impossible, and it feels like there's no in between.
Also, the bases that just open out into space are kinda hilarious.


Lots of fun!

I love the limited visibility. It really helps with the atmosphere of isolation and danger.

Thanks for the amazing game! It's a jam entry and a really amazing one at that!

Wrote about in the 8th issue of PicoShorts and just published the first part of the stream gameplay video if you are interested!

Amazing journey it was!

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