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Hello, everyone! I'm making a zine for an upcoming PICO-8 workshop I'm doing with Portland Indie Game Squad (PIGSquad). It's a fairly large zine (72 pages) and I have a few open pages where I wanted to include screenshots and art from some of the amazing things you all have created.

Do you have something you'd like to contribute?

If so, feel free to either post it as a reply on this thread, reply to this post on Twitter, or DM it to me on Twitter. (I have open DMs, so no need to follow me to DM me.)

The zine will printed in color for all workshop attendees, but will also be available on itch.io in PDF form once it is completed. (After the workshop, I may do a second printing at-cost via Kickstarter if there's enough interest from the community.)

Thanks in advance. The work you all do in PICO-8 is so incredibly inspiring to me, so I'd love to include some of it in this zine and inspire others who read it.


Well feel free to use any of my bits and bobs poking around, And I can even break everything I did down step by step if needed, It should all be listed CC.

Thanks! :D

Are you looking for screenshots of finished/published games or just anything generated with Pico 8?

I'm looking for anything made in PICO-8 that you would like to share. Could be from a finished game, a prototype, some art or cool visualization. Anything you think someone new to PICO-8 would see and think, "Ooh, that's rad! I'd think I'd like to make something like that!" :)

Feel free to use one or more screenshots of my Bumble Bots game. It may be a nice example of a 2.5D game. Also, the small levels may be inline with the PICO-8 spirit :-). There are a few screenshots in the Bumble Bots thread already.

anything you see fit from my carts page :)
(*sigh*, ampersands get borked in links, click on "cartridges" on that page...)

Just a quick word to say that what you have put together looks absolutely fabulous. You posted a little snippet of your work in another thread and I found it very accessible. I also took a look around your itch.io page and really appreciated the educational resources that you have posted about half-way down the page. I, for one, would definitely appreciate a .pdf of your workshop materials when you are finished and would pay for a bound copy of the material.

@eriban and @ultrabrite Thank you very much! I appreciate it! :D

@dspva Thank you very much for the kind words! It's really great to hear. I will definitely make sure to post on the BBS when it's available.

I'm in on this one too...feel free to use whatever stuff you want from my carts; screens, etc...

As far as contributing content...I'd love to give an article or someting :) As to what...I dunno. I'm not very good pulling stuff out of the air, but if you want 1000 words on a topic, give me a topic...I'll write.

I don't work in the game industry nor have any sort of pro gamedev background. I'm a true hobby maker. If there's anything you think I'd be well suited based on what you see from my Pico-8 work, I'm all in.

And can't wait to see the zine in full. I'm happy to see someone pick up the torch and make a current version. The old zines are great resources but by now are pretty outdated. Cheers to you...

Thank you, @morningtoast! :D

In terms of text content, I've got what I need for this particular issue, but as I plan to create more issues, I will definitely hit you up on that offer. It's much appreciated. :)

Feel free to use any of my carts or screenshots--they tend a bit more towards the demoscene 3D side of the spectrum.
Can't wait to see how the zone turns out!


Thank you, @electricgryphon! :D

You're welcome to use anything from my two games, I'd be happy to take some screenshots if you want, otherwise you're welcome to use anything:

https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=29166 (cutesie love game... probably either the intro scene, town, or shop battle would be best)

https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=29630 (3d game about anxiety, maybe the garden or grocery store or hedge maze)

Those are great, @jcwilk! Thank you very much! :)

Feel free to use anything from my game: Professor Blobbins and the Music of Love. https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28768

It's a musical 2d platformer.

Thank you, everyone! Your contributions were amazing! :) Here's just a glimpse of two of the community pages from the zine with all your contributions. The workshop will be happening in the second week of November, but the zine goes to print next week. So if you would still like to contribute, please let me know!

Wow those community pages look beautiful! I wouldn't mind supplying some screenshots and a bit of writing from some of my games if you wanted them, contact me on Twitter @Pixel_Cod if you're interested!

Awesome, thanks! I just replied to you on Twitter! :)

Did you finish the zine? Where can I find it?


Hey @BitLuder! MBoffin did finish the zine. I believe he is already working on a second one.

Here's the link for issue #1:

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