All over the kingdom the Lich King is feared
His power and evil is total
Many have tried to destroy him
Many have failed
Will you?
Z (or C or N) to attack, X (or V or M) to jump, arrow keys to move
I made this game for the CGA-jam, so only 4 colours was allowed. It's by far my most polished PICO-8 game, and I think the colour restriction actually helped!
I used @mhughson's excellent Advanced Micro Platformer basecode and extended it to fit my needs. Would definitely recommend having a look if you're making a platformer.
Comments appreciated!

This is great! This is maybe the closest to the style of platformer that I love that I've found yet for pico. Lots of items, tricky places, pass-through walls. I have not yet been able to get the silver key though (I know where it is, the jumping is hard -lol, Having gravity just a hair lower I think would feel a little better on the jumps). The color palette looks great too. Fantastic job!

hey thanks folks! :D It's the first game where I've run out of tokens, sprites AND map space!

Do the different weapons have any different properties besides range?
Also, how do you defeat the king? The flail doesn't seem to do enough damage.

joe: different weapons have different range, yes - that's the only difference. The Lich King requires 3 hits to the face/crown.

I like mini-Metroidvanias more than I enjoy any actual Metroid or Castlevania.
I loved this! I liked how some of the hidden walls made the whole castle feel much 'bigger' and mysterious. I also agree on the color restriction - I've recently started a game with a very small palette and it's way easier on the eyes than my other garish projects.
Nice job!

I might just be really bad at this game, but the invincibility when you get hit lasts a little too short for me. I often die completely by just one enemy, or one field of spikes.
But yes, this is a great game! I like it a lot.
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