Hello Everyone,
I'm thinking about the Theme of the next Zine.
I have put a Poll on Twitter , feel free to vote :)
[url=Twitter Poll]description[https://twitter.com/arnaud_debock/status/725952817869950976]
Let me know if you got any feedbacks.

I have no active Twitter account at the moment, but I vote for micro rpg. Although my rpg isn't that micro (spanning over three carts), I would love to contribute. Why not make it RPG in general, just as the adventure topic (Which is second in line for me...)?

I would like to make something on a regular basis. Why not a tips and tricks rubric? or an effet in two lines of code? or something about math? oop?

Hello Everyone, after a quick survey on twitter, Micro-Rpg is the first theme chosen and Sim the second one !
Of course I'll be happy to received any article related to game design , tip and trick , game history, or anything you thing who could be relevant for the community.
@jihem I would love something about math!
@SunSailor @ scrgn feel free to send me a draft to my email:
sectordub at gmail dot com

I'm happy to produce some content.
What's your deadline? How many characters? What's your prefered picture file format? I will have some charts. What's the required ratio and size? (to preserve text on picture) Font to use?
Have a good WE.
Kind regards,

@jihem My favorite format will be a google doc, but a .txt is ok.
Don't worry about the layout , I'll do it.
For the picture the highest resolution , the better, png or jpeg
About the length, 6000 max ( I can be flexible ).
About the deadline : the 15 of june 2016.

I could submit something about the basics of sprite design either as a normal article or as a FOR BEGINNERS style piece? If the latter then this might work better as a series of one pagers over multiple issues?

What about doing a review of PocketCHIP in the next issue? Seems like a timely subject ..

if you don't mind, i'd like to maybe do something about sprite packaging or demoscene things

Hello Everyone I have received today a amazing drawing for the cover of the Next Zine ! by @DYAGames
If someone need ideas to write an article for the next Zine :
- Combat system article > final fantasy, earthbound , Chocobo world
- Dialogue system > Zelda , Earthbound, ...
- Inventory system
- Shop system
I would love to have articles about code, but also about Design.
Can wait to read your articles !
The Deadline is the 15 of june
Good luck and Thank you !

Neat! I have some experience publishing smallpress RPGs, but I'm not sure what could help here.
I could maybe write something about how not to make spells boring?

@jihem - Can't wait for the rotation guides for shapes and sprites. That'll open up a box of possibilities.

I have done my samples. Now, I have to explain using the simplest way. I'm not an english native speaker. I have to take care not to write as I speak (even if I hope my english is fluent)... Sometime, I'm lazy with the grammar (^_^;)

@tsojanth "how not to make spells boring" sound really as a good title !
@jihem Can wait to read it !

I started to write a three part article how to store binary data into cartridges and which possibilities this opens. Would you be interested in this or would you prefer an article about the battle system in Tower of Rhavenna? It's close to the one of The Bard's Tale.

@arnaud_debock, I can't wait for the next Pico8 Zine. After all, it was Zine#1 that made me give game dev a try.
Once I become a more proficient programmer, I will be happy to send some texts to it!
I have also read somewhere on BBS that you wanted to make another zine for total newbies. Is this still happening? As a total noob, I would be very interested in something like that.

I'd be in on a novice type of thing too. I'm an experienced programmer but Pico-8/Lua is totally new to me, which is why it's so much fun. Plus, making web apps is a little different than making games (thank goodness)...

@TonyTheTGR 6000 Characters
@TOnyThe TGT Zelda-Like Inventory will be Great!
I'm looking for more Articles, feel free to send me your proposition before the 20 of junes .
It can also be, Game Design or Graphic design related, or even Game History of particular unknown / interesting Adventure/ RPG .

I can't deliver the article today. Is it a problem if I take a couple of days more please?

"or an effect in two lines of code?" -> That would be great to have it on a regular basis. Well, you can make long lines... To have something about ridiculous limitations and making cool effects with them.

Hello Everyone,
I need your articles in order to create the next Pico-8 zine :)
Please send me your draft asap.
Thanks a lot for your time and energy.
Let me know if you got any questions

I'm still behind, maybe don't wait up. :) I'll try to make progress this weekend.

Already sent.
I'm on the sequel for picozine#6.
More fun with mathematics :-)
(with a splitscreen for a 2 players mode)

Thanks @podfish and @jihem, I have received your article, I'll review everything next week.
@dddaaannn I'll wait for your article
Everyone , I need 2 or 3 more article , don't be afraid to send me your draft.
New deadline : 6 of july
Let's do another great Zine !
Article for beginners are welcome.

Just wanna throw out there and ask but if someone could do an article highlighting what's new in 0.1.8 in the next fanzine, would be awesome. I feel like this release just showed up magically and probably has lots of new things but I don't know what they are, shy of digging through the manual again (and again).

@morningtoast: off topic but fwiw, if you're on a Mac or Linux machine, you can use the "diff" command to compare the previous and newest versions of the pico8.txt file and get a pretty good idea. For 0.1.6->0.1.8:
- install_games command: run it to populate Splore favorites with a selection of games, no download required
- menuitem(index, [label, callback]): call it to add a custom item to the pause menu
- _update60(): use it instead of _update() to have the game loop executed 60 fps instead of 30 fps on platforms that support it
- splore command shortcut: s
- Mac OS X logging to ~/Library/Logs (viewable with Console.app) -- though I haven't gotten this to work yet
- button glyphs for printing: shift-L, R, U, D, X, O (valid in strings only)
- -home command line arg changes the Pico-8 data directory
- GPIO pins mapped to RAM addresses, originally intended for RaspPi, are now also accessible via JavaScript in the exported standalone player via pico8_gpio()
Also some clarifications and added info in the manual itself that do not appear to be new features, afaict. I plan to add these to the wiki in the next day or so.

Mac OS logging, are you using printh?
You should be able to see the pico8 log listed in Console.app
I'm yet to try 0.1.8 but I am using this method of logging from the command line in 0.1.6 and let zep know about it

Sadly I won't be able to finish something for this issue, as I want to get Tower of Rhavenna finished as fast as possible now... But if there's interest, I may sum up a post mortem, as this was a very moving development with a lot of ups and downs.

Hello Everyone,
Atm I only received 2 articles, and I'm expecting another one for sure.
I need at least 2 or 3 more articles in order to make the zine.
If you need inspiration, I can help you with that.
If you already start an article, please let me know.
The Pico-8 zine has alway be written by the community, for the community .
DOn't be afraid to contribute .
Thanks for your help

I would be very happy to write a small beginners tutorial on rectangular collisions? Or anything else you had in mind? I have a few more ideas for game design articles too as well as the one I wrote :)

I'm not the person for this but any tutorial or look at animation would be a neat addition to the zine? :)

Pretty new to the community, as I only started developing on the pico a couple days ago, but is there still time to contribute?
I might be able to write an article about tile-based player movement systems ala Zelda and Pokemon.

just wanted to say, the front cover looks absolutely amazing!

@springogeek You got 2 more weeks to write an article ! Let me know if you got any question.
my email is sectordub at gmail dot com

Hey @aranud_debock i was wondering if there was still space for something. i wanted to try out making a review of a specific pico-8 game in the style of the old computer magazines of the 80's like yourSinclaire or computer & video games magazine.

I'm drafting an article on using Tiled to create levels for the Pico-8.
I'm not sure if would fit the theme of Zine #5 (although it certainly can be used for RPG games).
Either way I'm happy to give any other help to get this issue out.

I would LOVE this zine. Micro RPG is such an interesting topic, are there any plans to revive this?

I fell in love with the series, wonder same question in 2024, is #5 going to happen?
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