Update v0.5: Quick fix to make the auto-switch timer work again
Update v0.4: Got the goatsoup planet descriptions correct for most planets. A few have drift where names are generated randomly. Sped up & improved planet texture generation
Update v0.3: Realized I was generating Galaxy 2 for Elite. Small tweak, and now we're in Galaxy 1 starting with Lave! The goatsoup planet descriptions are still wrong, though.
Update v0.2: Added a timer to switch planets automatically every 15 seconds, so I can use it as eye candy on my PocketCHIP on my desk
Use left & right to switch planets. Buttons z & X control the speed of the star field.
Mainly a tech demo / experiment, right now. I took the C code behind Ian Bell's "Text Elite" and gave a try at translating it into Lua. From there, I dropped in some star field and rotating planet code. That makes for a little info display on imaginary planets for some eye candy.
Nice one! Anything that resembles Elite/Frontier on a PICO-8 is good in my books! :D
I've got the math wrong somehow, so I'm not generating the exact original Elite universe. But, it's a neat parallel universe. Thinking about morphing this into a kind of Space Trucker game without 3D piloting but with RPG-style menu-based play. Unless that's not fun at all, in which case I'll try figuring something else out!
I know I'm two and a half years late to this party (typical, see username), but I think this is great!
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