9 patterns/6 song slots (a bit inefficient because 3/4 time collides rather unhappily with the tracker's design assumptions), never uses the last track so that's safe for sound effects.
a song to use! you like? I can make more! Though I dearly, DEARLY wish the audio popping issues in the engine will be addressed. :'(
I have more (high-fidelity) game music here: https://github.com/0xabad1dea/glorytales/

Hi Melissa o/ Thanks for your contribution to our little Pico-8 community.
When I get audio popping in Pico-8 music, it usually pays to double-check the supposedly-empty sfx frames, because even if their volume is 0 and their display is blank, they still technically play and can effect surrounding sounds, especially if they use any effects.

Unfortunately, the channel which pops does not have any blank frames whatsoever in the whole loop.

This is a great idea - I certainly lack when it comes to making music, but using CC music in games is easy with mp3/ogg. But since there's no midi->p8 converters, so offering some basic music that devs can use is awesome.

Ah, that's right, they also pop when a note carries over from one music slot to the next... No way around that one.

Actually, I kinda like the audio popping, it makes it feel more authentic to the time period that it's supposed to be from.

I used this as the song for my rhythm game demo, see here.
I hope that's ok (I obeyed the licensing terms, so I think it should be.)
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