This is a game I started at the beginning of the 2023. I wanted to create something simple while learning PICO-8. As you can tell the game is not finished but I am working on completing it during the next few days. I code while at sea and that can be difficult to make progress while working.
There are still things missing. My biggest hurdle is to make the game feel balanced. Right now it is too easy.

- Using bigger than 8x8 sprites
- Collision boxes
- Starting to wrap my head around using functions within tables (OOP?)
- UP to JUMP
- X to BOOST your JUMPS
Version 1.1
I loved @taxicomics idea of adding an X button to the HUD and since PICO is so easy to mockup things quickly I added the idea. Thanks!
Version 1.2
Small update
- Added meteors flying in the atmosphere
- Added sounds and particles to the pickups
Version 1.3
- Added a dialog system
- Added a tutorial page
Version 1.4
- Music by the talented @Gruber - Space Lizards
Version 1.5
- Just a small update to a few things

Such a cool art style! Really nice. Maybe a little X-Button in the HUD would help to explain the oxyjump in game? And I would really love to see the rocket I am racing after :)

That was a cool idea. Thanks! I have added it to the game.
About racing to the rocket... Haha... I am trying to come up with a rocket design that uses as little tiles as possible as i don't have much spritesheet space left but i also haven't really optimized the spritesheet yet so I might be able to squeeze out enough space.

@thesailor - Looks good and plays well but is a bit too easy. It's even easier if you rush off the right hand side of the screen :)
But I love the art style and your attention to detail is spot on - so many lovely little touches.

@phil - Man! Awesome spotting on that bug. Thank you. I have fixed that bug. You can't oxy jump off the screen anymore.
I am busy restructuring the code on how the enemies are spawned. I am hoping that I get it so that I can increase the difficulty.

Thanks. I am working on completing this game so it will have more gameplay to it eventually. I appreciate that you tried it out!

Just some progress/concept shots on the game. I'm reworking some of the concepts.

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