A Celeste mod that includes:
• Real time multiplayer
• Score system
500 points are removed when the player dies
500 points are awarded to the player who completes the room first
1000 points are awarded when a player collects a berry
1250 points are awarded when a player collects a flying strawberry
Newest update adds better UI, player collision option, and bug fixes
Please comment any bugs you encounter

This is is pretty cool! Not sure how doable it is, but adding collisions between players would be cool and add more chaos :)
(In fact maybe redoing the levels and such and adding powerups would make it really unique)

When I got to 2900m, Madeline just disappeared and I couldn't do anything, which was kinda disappointing since I was almost at the end

A few bugs I've noticed:
- Clouds don't move Lani correctly
- Crumble floors don't break when Lani touches them

Reply @VaniaIsAnIdiot :
According to the codes:
You need to press A on the keyboard (or any ❎ of player2 keypress thingy) to select the second character.


lmao if you get the maximum score it wraps around back to 500
i assume this is because the score went past the integer limit, you could probably get around this by storing the number as 125 instead of 1250, for example, and then adding a 0 wherever it's displayed

@girres42 I fixed the issue with score overflows, so now you can get the maximum score without the game bugging out. Putting the cart here if you want to upload it

the only thing i need is what sprite number everything is and how to switch rooms in coding
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