100 Meters to Shade
Ludum Dare link: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/51/1000-meters-to-shade
My entry to LD51, where the theme is "Every 10 Seconds." Use the arrow keys to navigate 1000 meters to the right, towards shade. When a solar flare is coming, hide in the shade of a cactus.
Thanks for playing!

Ah, won the game at 132-seconds. Nice patience game, @paloblancogames. Awful planet to visit or live on with all the solar flares. Gold star achievement.

Thanks @dw817. "Patience game" - I've not heard of that genre before but it immediately makes sense. I like it! It's really the only challenge element here, since cactus frequency is constant all the way to the end.

Phew, with around 60 meters per 10 seconds, I finally reached the end safely.
BTW is this game submitted to LDJam page?

Such a great game for the jam. Loving the visuals, didn't know it was possible to do this hybrid draw approach. Nice attention to detail with the shadow moving across when passing the sun. :)

excellent graphics in such a tight space (indeed the blast effect is really good)

It's been 10 or so months since this game was created, but I keep coming back to play it every now and then. It's stuck in my mind as one of the best jam entries I've ever played. For such a simple concept you really knocked it out of the park

Awesome effects and visualizations! Push-your-luck at it's best :D
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