A first attempt at a pico8 chess engine.
Move generation is currently unoptimised so AI is fairly slow and doesn't have a great depth search.
-- Controls --
Use arrow keys to select a piece
Use z to confirm
Use x to disable AI

Not too shabby! The music is Pachabels canon, yeah? AI isn't too hard to trick, but it isn't stupid either. I look forward to the refinement of this cart!

I played twice and got beat both times, I suck at chess but star for this excellent cart!

Second game though. The first attempt I had a major advantage but then both me and the ai screwed up so it was a near victory. This works pretty well, but it occasionally seems to give the player the ability to move the ai pieces. In the one above, I noticed the ai doesn't know how to break defenses, so just slowly moving forward with an unyielding wall where nothing is unprotected totally destroys it.

I'm not very good at chess so losing this game doesn't surprise me, but what's remarkable is how it brought me down. Too fast.

Great game! However I noticed the board is inverted, since the queen's rook square is white, and should be black, and this is engine is quite weak, but it still very impressive!

There are some bugs, I got 3 free turns because the ai wouldn't move.

This is such a cool cart that it was just a shame the square colors were wrong. The bottom right needs to be a light square.
So i fixed it for you and uploaded here for anyone who wants to play on correct board:
Tab 1, line 16: changed 4 or 9
to 9 or 4
I love the simple feel and especially the music.
Looking forward to learning from your code because I want to make a chess engine but i'm not there yet. Thank you.
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