Jam version:

Arrow Keys - Menu navigation
X - select / hook / unhook
The first version of this game was made over a week for the Illinois State Summer 2022 game jam. Theme: Momentum
Swing between anchors and get to the heart! Avoid hitting walls or losing your momentum. Maintain momentum by hooking onto anchors when you are tangent to them. Hooking onto anchors at a bad angle will cause you to lose momentum. If you lose too much momentum you will stall and have to start over.
- 14 Levels
- Save data for best times on each level
- Practice mode for improving times on specific levels. All levels are available from the start
Update v1.1
- Added predictive camera
- Added option to change controls to hold instead of toggle
Update v1.2
- Fixed bug with o key crashing game
Assets used:
- "Nostalgia" by @gruber_music
- A few sprites and a level (13) from my previous game Nemonic Crypt used as an Easter Egg.
- Sash Text adapted from Nemonic Crypt, originally adapted from Breakout Hero by @LazyDevsAcademy
Can you beat my best times?

Very cute! I love the sound effects and that the goal is your heart.

Wow, this is very well made, especially for a week-long jam. Quite enjoyed playing through all the levels.

Neat little game, played it to the end. I like the sound it makes when you stall, hehe.

Thank you all!
@AlexDev When you hook onto an anchor with less than 1% lost momentum, flashing green/blue text appears. It's randomly chosen from an array of strings. "Sehr Gut" is German for very good. One of the texts is also in Japanese but I am not sure if I translated that one correctly.

Well made and a lot of fun. Just challenging enough to keep me going.
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