It just won't have the *full modchart, the FNF version does have the modchart

@evman2k could you maybe put the system failiure song in a cart, just audio so i can listen to it since my browser can be very laggy at playing pico-8 things like those

i guess what PnP online is a good idea for my own idea from this site

I don't think I will make any more of these PNP mods. I find Friday Night Funkin modding much easier to do than Pico Night Punkin modding. The last post I'll make will contain the Immortal PNP engine.

No se si me entiendan, pero existe la posibilidad de añadir el resto de las canciones poco a poco? es que me encanta Blammed y Bopeebo y bueno.

@Jiffy oh uh hi! and yeah i do, i mainly wanted it cuz pico night punkin' but then found other interests in this place, i'm actually also gonna be uploading the pnp ost next week

@CarsonK does the corrupt difficulty actually slowly corrupt the game? I managed to play Jo560hs’ d-side spookeez on corrupt difficulty and it actually made the music slowly distort

shaggy jside

@jo560hs I am impressed by the difficulty you have I think the wait was worth it you just have to wait obheebop

OUCH! MY FINGERS, at least I managed to defeat the shaggy Jside (In "Virgin Mode") and I got those points just by spamming

7th Page already?! It hasn't even been a week since the 6th started...

Also, the source code & wiki is at https://github.com/NS-Unfair/pnp_ImmoEngine if anyone wants to use the ImmoEngine PNP port.

(image removed)
I've been working on this, a demake of Split EX.
The music is only the vocals with some drums in the background, as I'm not particularly great at music, so it might not sound much better than it does now.
However, it is too big to fit in one cartridge... unless...
Also, did you notice the double note on BF's side? I've been working on my own version of the engine parallel to this, just in case I ever decide to make more songs. There are a few changes I've made to make it easier to customise.

@cubee THIS IS F###### AWESOME DUDE,I DON'T HAVE WORDS FOR THAT ANYMORE, instead of him doing pixel art, he's still programming stuff, THAT'S TOO AWESOME
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