Congrats Matt and Noel, on your... "SURPRISE MASTERPIECE!!!" :o
Official 10/10

I just beat the Switch version of Celeste and I have to say you guys did an amazing job. Celeste for Pico-8 and Switch are both my favorite platforming games, right up there with Super Metroid. Thanks for this game!

Just wanted to make an account to say that this thread itself is a really inspirational thing for someone like me who's looking to get my foot in the door for animation and game development.
This thread only further cements the idea that masterpieces start from humble beginnings and that's really meaningful to me. Thanks for the great experience and I'm glad I dug through some of the old stuff around here.

^ that
It was amazing when I saw Celeste arrive on Switch. If I remember right, an early build Celeste was the first thing I ever saw in Splore.
It was pretty cool to see the game grow up. :)

guess what: this game was my dream platformer and I love playing this version of it. in truth, modern Celeste is actually my dream platformer since you're just soooo fast, but this is still easily one of the best (or the best?) game on pico-8 and it's by far my favorite

Wow, just wow. Is this THE original? Is this where Celeste all began? I'm new to pico8 and never made any code before, but if pico8 can make this, I have no excuses to make the games I want to create, because it can certainly handle them. I want to start of with a small platformer, kinda like Slime-san or, Celeste. Tough as nails, but still fun. May have to split it into multiple carts if I want to put in dialogue or a story though.

Yes! This is where it began (and you can play this PICO-8 version inside the retail Celeste game, as an homage). To be fair, Celeste strains the PICO-8's limitations a fair bit, but yeah, you can do a lot on the platform. And it's a good way to prototype a larger game quickly (like eventually ended up being the case for Celeste, although I don't think that was the plan at the time).
This is a similar game, definitely tought as nails, maybe you could get inspired by that too: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=52574&tid=31258

Is there a way I can get the soundtrack for this version (Pico-8)? I can't find it anywhere.

Only as .WAV files, not as exporting from one PICO-8 program to another. Not yet, anyways.
You can however transfer the audio manually by using a text editor on both .P8 files. Look for the SFX and MUSIC labels to denote their data.

(Shameless plug)
To listen to the cart soundtrack you can try Pico8 music player: MP8 - https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32000

So I'll need to use Pico-8? I can't afford that right now, but I may purchase it at a later time. Thanks for the help!

Should be okay to release the audio. If it exports to .WAV I could convert to .WMA for you, Yozia ?
Unless the soundtrack is being sold somewhere, don't want to conflict with that.

If it was being sold somewhere, I would buy it. I've tried searching for it under "Celeste Pico-8 Soundtrack" and " . . . OST," with no results. If someone knows who composed it, I could search under the composer name (I assumed it would be one of the game creators, but cannot confirm this).
Edit: Is there a way to request permission?

Found it in Youtube - I think. Confirm is correct album:
And yes it's for sale there.

That is the official soundtrack (plus B-Sides), but it doesn't include the Pico-8 tracks. Lena Raine's Bandcamp has the Official Soundtrack, B-Sides, and a collection of extra game tracks called Madeline's Grab Bag. However, I'm not sure she was involved with the Pico-8 project (it's possible, but I don't know).

Well, Yozia. How much are you willing to spend ?
It looks to me like it's $9 an album. Yet you can buy PICO and have the soundtrack to CELESTE and any other PICO games, including this one:
For a mere $15 - and you'll have the full programming language so you can run SPLORE, a graphic user interface that lets you EXPLORE any title posted, play them full-screen, and of course to convert all of their soundtracks to WAVs - that's gotta be a good deal.

You can load any of these games, make CHANGES to them yourself, and play them with your updates. You can also of course also join us in our programming and musical efforts and create something completely new.
And if you get stuck anywhere, hey, we're here for you. Just ask your question and don't be surprised by an overwhelming team of experts - answering it. :)
We're all good community here ...

You made a convincing argument. Here is the result:
Thank you for your help. :)

This is my current record. Is it a new 100% record?
Probably not. XD

uh... I can't get past 1000m. How do I even get up there without getting impaled?
I also really want to play the new version. I had heard of the new one before and later I found this one, but had no idea the two were related. This game is fun but frustrating.
EDIT: Nevermind. I was being an idiot. It's left-side of the left wall.

AAAANND now I can't get past 1100m.
I think I figured it out, just can't do it right

Best time for now, could improve in a bit of areas but I'm happy with this.

Previous best time was x0, 00:02:51, DEATHS: 4

Finished in 5 min and 17 deaths. Actually one of the snowflakes makes it look like I died 1.7 times.

My experience with Celeste might be a little different than many of the other people who play this game - I'm prodigiously clumsy. One day I'd like to be up there with the speed runners, but as it stands I want to thank the devs for making a game that really filled me with inspiration to persevere even in the face of my appalling lack of skill. Took me almost three hours but I cherished every second. I hope I'll finish the Steam version soon too. xx
(died 1608 times in 2 hours, 50 minutes and 23 seconds)

Since I'm broke as fuck, this is the only way for me to play celeste. Now that I've played this enough to enjoy it, when I get the money, I'm gonna buy Celeste.

GG bro, i was able to get 2:53 but lost the screenshot of it. Then i managed a little slower, but still really good time for my time playing, thanks for making this game, it really is awesome!.

I'm a little out of practice. I haven't done a run in a few months. PB is 1:47 no deaths no strawberries.

@SeekNDestroy8797 You sure about the 1:47? That would put you in 3rd place on the leaderboards and seeing as you’re not in the Celeste Classic discord you would have to had discovered all the speedtech on your own. If you really did get that time however, you should join us on discord (https://celesteclassic.github.io)

For those who wish to speedrun this, here's the latest practice mod from the Celeste Classic community! :)
Celeste Practice Mod S - Previous level |

I love this game! I may not be good at it, but I'll sure as hell try! And look! I made a thing!
A lil Madeline and a strawberry! :)

Just beat the game! [working on cutting down the time though].

Second time completing. again, felt rewarding. about 500 less deaths and completed it 33 minutes quicker
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