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Cart #allthewaydown-0 | 2023-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Skydiving Gone Wrong

A game I made for the week-long Winter Tavern Game Jam.

Nothing much to say about this one; just a simple little game I scrapped together. Collect as many balloons as you can while you fall through the air toward your impending doom.

Don't forget your parachute!

Itch.io Page -> https://stadam.itch.io/all-the-way-down
Game Jam Page -> https://itch.io/jam/tavern-games-winter23/rate/2422302

P#139037 2023-12-22 17:51

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Cart #solkeepjudgementdevice-0 | 2023-10-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Virtual Judgement Shenanigans

Made for 242th Trijam, a jam where the goal is to code a game in under 3 hours.

Another story-based game! Not as happy with how this turned out; the end result was pretty rushed, but I entered it anyway cus why not.

Anyway, enjoy!

Itch.io Page -> https://stadam.itch.io/the-solkeep-judgement-device
Game Jam Page -> https://itch.io/jam/trijam-242/rate/2301074

P#136264 2023-10-23 10:49

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Cart #solarharvester1kgj-2 | 2023-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Total Planetary Destruction

06 September Edit:
- Fixed some bugs
- Added label name and author (which I forgot to include oops)

This game was my entry into the 'PICO-1K Jam 2023'

The aim of the jam is to create a game in under 1,024 compressed bytes. I managed to get it done, with 11 bytes to spare! Definitely cut it close.

Happy planet hunting!

Itch.io Page -> https://stadam.itch.io/solar-harvester
Game Jam Page -> https://itch.io/jam/pico-1k-2023/rate/2249182

P#133938 2023-09-05 00:56 ( Edited 2023-09-06 13:54)

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Cart #theredgiant_gjs-1 | 2024-03-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A Rapidly Expanding Sun

1.1 Update (21st March 2024):
- Fixed minor syntax errors
- Changed ugly yellow border to white
- Version number included in-game

This game was my entry into the 'Seven Day Goodbye Summer Horror' Game Jam.

My first attempt at a 'story' based game. Fairly short and simple, but I'm happy with how it turned out (Despite the messy spaghetti code :D). Hope you enjoy playing it!

Itch.io Page -> https://stadam.itch.io/the-red-giant
Game Jam Page -> https://itch.io/jam/7-day-goodbye-summer-horror-jam

P#133689 2023-08-29 13:01 ( Edited 2024-03-21 20:32)

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Cart #adamspicosnake-1 | 2023-07-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Classic (PICO-8) Snake!

My version of snake I decided to make for Pico-8. Even though I'm absolutely no good at snake, I still had a great fun making it. Hope you enjoy it too!

Features 4 modes:

  • CLASSIC: Regular ol' snake
  • SPEEDY: Similar to classic, but eating also speeds you up
  • STARVE: Get to the food before you starve!
  • CRUSH: Avoid the encroaching walls

Itch.io page -> https://stadam.itch.io/pico-snake

P#132289 2023-07-23 19:21

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Cart #brainlessblobs-0 | 2023-06-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Brainless Bloberinos

A simple puzzle game I entered into the 'Back to the Beginnings' Game Jam back in March of 2023. The theme was 'Reverse Evolution'.

I was fairly happy with how it turned out, although I never got the chance to add background music; hence the static (Which I tried to pass off as ambiance lol).

Anyway, thought I'd upload it here, cause why not.

Video Walkthrough -> https://youtu.be/_bde9hN4YpQ
Game Jam entry -> https://itch.io/jam/back-to-the-beginnings-jam
Itch.io page -> https://stadam.itch.io/brainless-blobs

P#131445 2023-06-28 21:19 ( Edited 2023-08-17 14:27)