- fixed a bug where you could kill the bosses with the shield
- added two extra levels
- added shield collision with enemies, hitting an enemy with the shield will destroy both the shield and the enemy
- more balanced lootdrops, they are now a lot less random.
- fixed lvl 4 weapon on player 2 not working
- fixed shields for player 2
- added a supercharge pickup. this will give you a 50% bonus firerate
- improved the game over and win screens to look more polished
- made it so that killing a mini-boss will drop you 5 coins and one random pickup
- adjusted the hud, score is now shown at the bottom center, this fixes the overlap with healthbars from bosses
- improved the shield pickup, it now looks more like a forcefield and it blinks when it's about to run out. I also added a shockwave and soundfx on enemy projectile impact
- removed score rendering on game over screen as it's already rendered inside the text window. this also allowed for me to move the enemy waves a tiny bit to the top of the screen giving more play-area
- added a shield pickup. you will gain a shield for 15s that protects you from frontal projectile impact
- Improved the visibility of the enemy aimed shot sprite
- Depending on the level you're at, there will be 1 to 3 aimed shots per enemy
- Redone the player muzzle flash, it now takes up less tokens and increases in size depending on your weapon level and looks nicer.
- Added weapon level 4 (dual shot)
- Made a story and some more info on my website