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Cart #goat-2 | 2024-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Goat is a curious, little goat (shocking) who lives peacefully in the mountains. One day, she had an accident and ended up landing on the top of a haunted tower. A tower that would try to kill her with all its means...

Help Goat to survive by charging rocks and trees and dodging dangerous spiky trees and fire balls. Watch out for Goat's stamina level (pink top bar) as she runs out of energy quickly. Recharge her batteries by picking up stamina balls. Use super power when you're in trouble or running out of energy.

Can you get to the end and save Goat?


  • Arrow keys: move & charge objects
  • X: start game / confirm
  • Z: use super power


Code, art and music by Vicente Romero (@vteromero)



  • v1.1 (2024/03/30)
    • Added high scores table. Now the game will keep track of the best 6 high scores with initials (Thank you @phil for the suggestion).
    • Added "reset scores" menu option to the title screen.
    • Built with latest pico8 version (v0.2.6b).
P#144053 2024-03-22 06:24 ( Edited 2024-04-05 13:07)

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Cart #goatdemo-0 | 2024-02-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

NOTE: This is an early version of the game created for playtesting purposes. There's no sound effects or music yet, but planning to add them later. The name of the game is temporary.

Poor Goat was very unlucky to fall and land on the top of a haunted tower. A tower that will try to kill her with all its means.

Help Goat to survive by charging rocks and trees and dodging dangerous spiky trees and fire balls. Watch out for Goat's stamina level (pink top bar) as she runs out of energy quickly. Recharge her batteries by picking up stamina balls. Use super power when you're in trouble or run out of energy. Can you get to the end?


  • Arrow keys: move & charge objects
  • X: use super power / confirm
P#141944 2024-02-25 16:25 ( Edited 2024-02-26 08:55)

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Cart #skle-0 | 2023-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my Game Off 2023 jam submission (theme was "Scale").

Skle is a puzzle and strategy game about numbers on 3 different scales: 1s (numbers 1-9), 10s (numbers 10-99) and 100s (numbers 100-999).

How to play

The game starts with a table full of numbers and is played through rounds. Each round has 2 stages:

  • Transform: You'll select one of the 3 available arithmetic operations (e.g. "+100", "/2", "x10"), which will be applied to every number on the table. This, in turn, will result in a new set of numbers. Some of them might go out of scale and will be removed. When the round ends, a new random operation will replace the one you chose.
  • Clear: In this stage, you'll pick one of the 3 scales. All the numbers on that scale will be removed from the table and you'll get points from those. New random numbers will appear replacing them. You also have the option to skip this stage.

At the end of the round, your score will be increased by the number of points you get in the round. The round score is calculated using this formula:

round_score = # cleared_cards X points_per_card X multiplier

There are 2 multipliers:

  • x2: you'll get to double your round score if you clear the whole table + get some out-of-scale numbers.
  • x3: if you manage to clear the whole table with no out-of-scale numbers, your round score will be multiplied by 3!

Every now and then, some extra numbers will be spawned at the end of the round. Keep an eye on the spawn bar (brown line) to know when it'll happen.

The game ends when there are less than 5 numbers on the table.

Can you beat your own highscore?


  • Arrow keys: navigate.
  • X: select/confirm.


Code, art and music by Vicente Romero.

P#138437 2023-12-08 09:49 ( Edited 2023-12-08 09:52)

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Cart #hiddenshapes-2 | 2023-08-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hidden Shapes is a puzzle game about finding 2D shapes on 3D objects.

Each puzzle features a 3D object that can be rotated, scaled and moved. This object is made of triangles that you can turn on and off. Your goal is to fill up a flat 2D shape (your goal shape) by selecting the right triangles and making them exactly match that shape.

The goal shape is always revealed at the beginning of each level for 3 seconds. After that, whenever you want to see it again for a moment, you'll need to trigger a check. If you think that you've solved a puzzle, you'll also need to "check" you progress.

Can you solve the puzzles in the least number of "checks"? Can you solve them quickly? Highscores are saved, so you can try to beat yourself!


  • 18 increasingly challenging puzzles
  • 2 difficulty levels: Normal & Hard
  • 2 palette of colors: Light & Dark
  • Persistent user data to save your highscores


  • Arrow keys: menu navigation / move cursor / rotate&scale
  • Press X: start / confirm / action
  • Hold X: trigger "check"
  • Z: go back / change mode

Change log

  • v1.0.1
    • Added smooth rotation and scale (Thanks @freds72).
    • Improved rotate function (Thanks @freds72).
    • Made Dark palette the default.
  • v1.0.0
    • Initial version.

This is my first PICO-8 game. Hope you enjoy it! <3

P#133252 2023-08-19 05:45 ( Edited 2023-08-21 10:17)