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Hey all! I'm making games just for fun, because I love making things people find fun!
I hope you enjoy my games, but if not, that's okay too; everyone's got different tastes, and that's what makes us human!

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Loop Dude out now on Lexaloffle!

Cart #l00p_dude-0 | 2022-12-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hey all!
Sorry for the long wait! I had been meaning to publish this cart to these forums, but I hadn't remembered to do so until now.

It's been more than half a year after its debut in Black and White Jam #8 on itch.io, and there's really no excuse as to why it took so long for me to publish it here. While the game only placed about 51/344 overall in the jam results, I'm still pretty proud of it's placing in the "Gameplay" category: 16/344! That's pretty high considering this was my first ever game jam, and I'm looking forward to doing another one someday (when I find time, of course).

The gameplay is simple: It's a puzzle platformer with a grab feature inspired by Super Mario World. The game jam's theme was "Loop," but I'll leave you to finding out how I incorporated the theme! :)

Once again, I'm still a new developer, so I'm interested in any and all feedback you all might have!

The itch.io page can be found here, and the Game Jam page can be found here.

(Note: For anyone interested in modifying the game, the method for adding objects is a bit complicated, but I assume you'll be able to figure it out by looking at some of the code. If you're still struggling, I'll be more than happy to help!)

P#122530 2022-12-16 03:27

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Cart #catchdude-2 | 2022-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Catching apples is a lot harder than it seems...
Help Catch-Dude catch the fruit as it falls from the tree, but watch out for bombs!
The green apples are mandatory and must be caught, while the cherries only add to your score multiplier.
Catching a bomb or dropping a green apple costs a life and ends your combo.
The "X" button (defaults are the x and v keys) will let you sprint faster, while the "O" button (defaults to z and c) will slow you down to a walking pace.
The game features a wrap-around mechanic, where walking off one end of the screen will cause you to appear on the other side by magic! Utilize this (especially on harder difficulties) to catch as many fruit as you can!

Behold, my very first Pico-8 game!
I put quite a bit of time and effort into this, and I hope that it is enjoyable for people to play!
Any feedback, positive and negative, is welcome, as that is how everybody learns how to make more enjoyable games!
I plan to put an in-game scoreboard in the next version of this game, but I'm pretty happy with where it ended up as it is! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

P#109381 2022-03-30 00:16 ( Edited 2022-03-30 00:18)