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Cart #picodex-0 | 2023-04-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome to the world of PICO-8 Pokemon! Picodex is a complete generation 1 Pokemon battle simulator, with slight modifications, that fits within a single 32KB PICO-8 cartridge.

Standard PICO-8 controls apply to this game. For a computer keyboard this is: "arrows", "x/z", "enter".

There are 6 modes in Picodex:

  • BROWSE: View all Pokemon you have unlocked along with stats and possible moves.
  • EDIT: Edit up to 3 teams. Customize Pokemon and movesets in each team.
  • LEAGUE: Battle against trainers in the Pokemon league.
  • VERSUS: Take turns playing a custom match between you and a friend.
  • HORDE: Have your team battle all 151 Pokemon in order with no breaks.
  • CREDITS: See who helped make the game.

Picodex initially loads with only 6 Pokemon unlocked. You can unlock more Pokemon by defeating trainers in LEAGUE mode. Everytime you win a battle, you unlock all the Pokemon the opponent had as well as their entire moveset. Picodex will auto-save any Pokemon/trainers/scores you have unlocked, so don't be afraid to close it and play again later.

Picodex is also available on itch at: https://alanxoc3.itch.io/picodex

If you want to learn more about the battle mechanics, expand this section:

The Picodex battle system follows the mechanics of the original Pokemon Stadium 1 (PS1) game on the Nintendo 64.

For those unfamiliar with how Pokemon Stadium 1 battle mechanics work, I strongly recommend these articles:

For those already familiar with Pokemon Stadium 1 battle mechanics, most everything should behave the same besides these intentional modifications:

Modifications inspired by original handheld games:

  • Substitute only protects from damage done by opponent. Not against any effects.
  • Swift will never miss, bypassing all accuracy checks including when opponent uses dig/fly.
  • Sleep lasts 0-6 turns, unless caused by rest, then only 1 turn.

Modifications inspired by later Pokemon games:

  • Sleep, freeze, trapping moves, and disable can break a user free multiturn moves.
  • Roar/Whirlwind switch the opponent's Pokemon with another random Pokemon.
  • Teleport switches the user's Pokemon with another random Pokemon.
  • The freeze status condition has a 20% chance to unthaw the Pokemon each turn.
  • Hyper beam still needs to recharge if it knocks out the opponent Pokemon.
  • Haze only resets stat modifiers, it does not reset any special effects.
  • Transform fails when opponent is transformed or user is already transformed.
  • Leech seed does not use the toxic counter.
  • Struggle bypasses type checks.

Modifications inspired by personal preference:

  • All Pokemon are set to level 50 with the highest possible stats they can have for that level.
  • When you KO the target with a multihit move such as "Double Slap", your attack will continue onto the next Pokemon sent out.
  • If a Pokemon faints, the next Pokemon in the user's team is sent out automatically. This places more importance on team order.
  • Mimic replaces the move's pp with "5", bypasses accuracy checks, and doesn't copy mimic.
  • Rage consumes 1 pp for each turn it is used.
  • Damage calculation is capped at 999 damage.

If you need a reference of all the moves and what they do, expand this section:

Picodex includes the standard movesets for all 151 Pokemon, as well as a few extra moves from various events and glitches for the generation 1 games. Those extra moves are:

  • Fearow with Payday. From an in-person event.
  • Pickachu with Surf. From an in-person event.
  • Pickachu with Fly. From an in-person event.
  • Psyduck with Amnesia. A prize Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium 1.
  • Rapidash with Payday. From an in-person event.
  • Slowbro with Metronome. From a Juggler in Pokemon Stadium 1.
  • Magikarp with Dragon Rage. From an in-person event.
  • Dragonite with Barrier. From Lance in Red/Blue/Green.

Here is a list of all the moves available in Picodex, along with a short description of what each move does:

| move name | canonical name | description                                                                                                      |
| --------- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| absorb    | Absorb         | damages target. restores users hp by 1/2 of damage inflicted.                                                    |
| acid      | Acid           | damages target. 10% chance to lower defense by 1 stage.                                                          |
| acidarmr  | Acid Armor     | raises users defense by 2 stages.                                                                                |
| agility   | Agility        | raises users speed by 2 stages.                                                                                  |
| amnesia   | Amnesia        | raises users special by 2 stages.                                                                                |
| aurorabm  | Aurora Beam    | damages target. 10% chance to lower attack by 1 stage.                                                           |
| barrage   | Barrage        | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| barrier   | Barrier        | raises users defense by 2 stages.                                                                                |
| bide      | Bide           | user endures damage for 2-3 turns then inflicts twice the damage endured.                                        |
| bind      | Bind           | damages target. repeats 2-5 turns. target cannot move during this time.                                          |
| bite      | Bite           | damages target. 10% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| blizzard  | Blizzard       | damages target. 10% chance to freeze.                                                                            |
| bodyslam  | Body Slam      | damages target. 30% chance to paralyze.                                                                          |
| boneclub  | Bone Club      | damages target. 10% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| bonerang  | Bonemerang     | damages target. repeats 2 times.                                                                                 |
| bubble    | Bubble         | damages target. 10% chance to lower speed by 1 stage.                                                            |
| bublbeam  | Bubble Beam    | damages target. 10% chance to lower speed by 1 stage.                                                            |
| clamp     | Clamp          | damages target. repeats 2-5 turns. target cannot move during this time.                                          |
| cnfusion  | Confusion      | damages target. 10% chance to confuse.                                                                           |
| cnfusray  | Confuse Ray    | confuses target.                                                                                                 |
| comtpnch  | Comet Punch    | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| constrct  | Constrict      | damages target. 10% chance to lower speed by 1 stage.                                                            |
| convrson  | Conversion     | users copies targets types.                                                                                      |
| counter   | Counter        | usually goes last. user retaliates for twice the damage it endured from a physical attack this turn.             |
| crabhamr  | Crabhammer     | damages target. high critical hit ratio.                                                                         |
| cut       | Cut            | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| dfnscurl  | Defense Curl   | raises users defense by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| dig       | Dig            | user prepares and is nearly invulnerable on turn one then damages target on turn two.                            |
| disable   | Disable        | one randomly selected move for target is disabled for 2-7 turns. fails if target is already disabled.            |
| dizypnch  | Dizzy Punch    | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| doubedge  | Double Edge    | damages target. user receives 1/4 recoil damage.                                                                 |
| doubkick  | Double Kick    | damages target. repeats 2 times.                                                                                 |
| doubslap  | Double Slap    | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| doubteam  | Double Team    | raises users evasion by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| dreameat  | Dream Eater    | restores users hp by 1/2 of the damage inflicted on target but only works on a sleeping target.                  |
| drgnrage  | Dragon Rage    | damages target. deals exactly 40 damage.                                                                         |
| drillpck  | Drill Peck     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| earthqke  | Earthquake     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| eggbomb   | Egg Bomb       | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| ember     | Ember          | damages target. 10% chance to burn.                                                                              |
| explsion  | Explosion      | user faints then does high amounts damage to target.                                                             |
| fcsenrgy  | Focus Energy   | raises critical hit ratio.                                                                                       |
| fireblst  | Fire Blast     | damages target. 30% chance to burn.                                                                              |
| firepnch  | Fire Punch     | damages target. 10% chance to burn.                                                                              |
| firespin  | Fire Spin      | damages target. repeats 2-5 turns. target cannot move during this time.                                          |
| fissure   | Fissure        | target faints. doesnt work on faster Pokemon.                                                                    |
| flamthwr  | Flamethrower   | damages target. 10% chance to burn.                                                                              |
| flash     | Flash          | lowers targets accuracy by 1 stage                                                                               |
| fly       | Fly            | user prepares and is nearly invulnerable on turn one then damages target on turn two.                            |
| furyatck  | Fury Attack    | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| furyswps  | Fury Swipes    | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| glare     | Glare          | paralyzes target.                                                                                                |
| growl     | Growl          | lowers targets attack by 1 stage.                                                                                |
| growth    | Growth         | raises users special by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| guilotin  | Guillotine     | target faints. doesnt work on faster Pokemon.                                                                    |
| gust      | Gust           | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| harden    | Harden         | raises users defense by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| haze      | Haze           | resets stat modifiers from both Pokemon.                                                                         |
| headbutt  | Headbutt       | damages target. 30% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| hijmpkck  | High Jump Kick | damages target. user receives 1 hp of recoil damage if attack misses.                                            |
| hornatck  | Horn Attack    | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| horndril  | Horn Drill     | target faints. doesnt work on faster Pokemon.                                                                    |
| hydropmp  | Hydro Pump     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| hypnosis  | Hypnosis       | puts target to sleep.                                                                                            |
| hyprbeam  | Hyper Beam     | user attacks on one turn then recharges on turn two.                                                             |
| hyprfang  | Hyper Fang     | damages target. 10% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| icebeam   | Ice Beam       | damages target. 10% chance to freeze.                                                                            |
| icepnch   | Ice Punch      | damages target. 10% chance to freeze.                                                                            |
| jumpkick  | Jump Kick      | damages target. user receives 1 hp of recoil damage if attack misses.                                            |
| karatchp  | Karate Chop    | damages target. high critical hit ratio.                                                                         |
| kinesis   | Kinesis        | lowers targets accuracy by 1 stage.                                                                              |
| leechlif  | Leech Life     | damages target. restores users hp by 1/2 of damage inflicted.                                                    |
| leechsed  | Leech Seed     | seeds target. user steals 1/16 of targets max hp every turn.                                                     |
| leer      | Leer           | lowers targets defense by 1 stage.                                                                               |
| lghtscrn  | Light Screen   | user receives 1/2 damage from physical attacks.                                                                  |
| lick      | Lick           | damages target. 30% chance to paralyze.                                                                          |
| lovekiss  | Lovely Kiss    | puts target to sleep.                                                                                            |
| lowkick   | Low Kick       | damages target. 30% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| meditate  | Meditate       | raises users attack by 1 stage.                                                                                  |
| megakick  | Mega Kick      | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| megapnch  | Mega Punch     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| megdrain  | Mega Drain     | damages target. restores users hp by 1/2 of damage inflicted.                                                    |
| metrnome  | Metronome      | user performs a random move, excluding struggle.                                                                 |
| mimic     | Mimic          | this move is replaced by one of the target's moves at random with 5 pp. move is reset to mimic if user switches. |
| minimize  | Minimize       | raises users evasion by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| mirrmove  | Mirror Move    | user performs the last move executed by its target, excluding struggle.                                          |
| mist      | Mist           | protects user from modifier decreases.                                                                           |
| ngtshade  | Night Shade    | damages target. deals exactly 50 damage.                                                                         |
| payday    | Pay Day        | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| peck      | Peck           | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| petldanc  | Petal Dance    | damages target. repeats 2-3 turns then gets confused afterwards.                                                 |
| pinmisil  | Pin Missile    | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| poisngas  | Poison Gas     | poisons target.                                                                                                  |
| pound     | Pound          | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| psnpowdr  | Poison Powder  | poisons target.                                                                                                  |
| psnsting  | Poison Sting   | damages target. 20% chance to poison.                                                                            |
| psybeam   | Psybeam        | damages target. 10% chance to confuse.                                                                           |
| psychic   | Psychic        | damages target. 30% chance to lower special by 1 stage.                                                          |
| psywave   | Psywave        | damages target. deals a random amount of damage between 1 and 75.                                                |
| quickatk  | Quick Attack   | usually goes first.                                                                                              |
| rage      | Rage           | user attacks uncontrollably and uses 1 pp each turn. raises users attack by 1 stage each time it is damaged.     |
| razrleaf  | Razor Leaf     | damages target. high critical hit ratio.                                                                         |
| razrwind  | Razor Wind     | user prepares on turn one then damages target on turn two.                                                       |
| recover   | Recover        | restores 1/2 of users max hp.                                                                                    |
| reflect   | Reflect        | user receives 1/2 damage from physical attacks.                                                                  |
| rest      | Rest           | user is cured of major status and recovers full hp but falls asleep.                                             |
| rllngkck  | Rolling Kick   | damages target. 30% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| roar      | Roar           | usually goes last. switches opponent's active Pokemon with a random benched Pokemon.                             |
| rockslid  | Rock Slide     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| rockthrw  | Rock Throw     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| sandatck  | Sand Attack    | lowers targets accuracy by 1 stage.                                                                              |
| scratch   | Scratch        | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| screech   | Screech        | lowers targets defense by 2 stages.                                                                              |
| seistoss  | Seismic Toss   | damages target. deals exactly 50 damage.                                                                         |
| selfdstr  | Self Destruct  | user faints then does high amounts damage to target.                                                             |
| sharpen   | Sharpen        | raises users attack by 1 stage.                                                                                  |
| sing      | Sing           | puts target to sleep.                                                                                            |
| skulbash  | Skull Bash     | user prepares on turn one then damages target on turn two.                                                       |
| skyattck  | Sky Attack     | user prepares on turn one then damages target on turn two.                                                       |
| slam      | Slam           | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| slash     | Slash          | damages target. high critical hit ratio.                                                                         |
| slppowdr  | Sleep Powder   | puts target to sleep.                                                                                            |
| sludge    | Sludge         | damages target. 30% chance to poison.                                                                            |
| smog      | Smog           | damages target. 30% chance to poison.                                                                            |
| smokscrn  | Smokescreen    | lowers targets accuracy by 1 stage.                                                                              |
| softboil  | Soft Boiled    | restores 1/2 of users max hp.                                                                                    |
| solrbeam  | Solar Beam     | user prepares on turn one then damages target on turn two.                                                       |
| sonicbom  | Sonic Boom     | damages target. deals exactly 20 damage.                                                                         |
| spikcann  | Spike Cannon   | damages target. repeats 2-5 times.                                                                               |
| splash    | Splash         | does nothing.                                                                                                    |
| spore     | Spore          | puts target to sleep.                                                                                            |
| sprsonic  | Supersonic     | confuses target.                                                                                                 |
| stomp     | Stomp          | damages target. 30% chance to flinch.                                                                            |
| strength  | Strength       | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| strngsht  | String Shot    | lowers targets speed by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| struggle  | Struggle       | damages target. used when user can't use any more moves. ignores type checks.                                    |
| stunspor  | Stun Spore     | paralyzes target.                                                                                                |
| submsion  | Submission     | damages target. user receives 1/4 recoil damage.                                                                 |
| substute  | Substitute     | user creates a decoy with 1/4 of its hp. opponent will damage substitute but user is vulnerable to effects.      |
| suprfang  | Super Fang     | this move halves targets current hp. inflicts at least 1 damage.                                                 |
| surf      | Surf           | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| swift     | Swift          | damages target. always hits, bypassing all accuracy checks.                                                      |
| sworddnc  | Swords Dance   | raises users attack by 2 stages.                                                                                 |
| tackle    | Tackle         | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| tailwhip  | Tail Whip      | lowers targets defense by 1 stage.                                                                               |
| takedown  | Take Down      | damages target. user receives 1/4 recoil damage.                                                                 |
| teleport  | Teleport       | usually goes last. switches user's active Pokemon with a random benched Pokemon.                                 |
| thndpnch  | Thunder Punch  | damages target. 10% chance to paralyze.                                                                          |
| thndrblt  | Thunderbolt    | damages target. 10% chance to paralyze.                                                                          |
| thndrwav  | Thunder Wave   | paralyzes target.                                                                                                |
| thndshck  | Thunder Shock  | damages target. 10% chance to paralyze.                                                                          |
| thrash    | Thrash         | damages target. repeats 2-3 turns then gets confused afterwards.                                                 |
| thunder   | Thunder        | damages target. 10% chance to paralyze.                                                                          |
| toxic     | Toxic          | target is badly poisoned with poison damage increasing each turn.                                                |
| tranform  | Transform      | user copies target stats, types, and moves. moves are all set to have 5 pp.                                      |
| triattck  | Tri Attack     | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| twineedl  | Twineedle      | damages target. repeats 2 times. 20% chance to poison.                                                           |
| vicegrip  | Vice Grip      | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| vinewhip  | Vine Whip      | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| watergun  | Water Gun      | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| watrfall  | Waterfall      | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| whrlwind  | Whirlwind      | usually goes last. switches opponent's active Pokemon with a random benched Pokemon.                             |
| wingatck  | Wing Attack    | damages target.                                                                                                  |
| withdraw  | Withdraw       | raises users defense by 1 stage.                                                                                 |
| wrap      | Wrap           | damages target. repeats 2-5 turns. target cannot move during this time.                                          |

Anyways, that's everything you need to know to get started on your very own Picodex journey. Good luck catching 'em all!



I know you've been working on this for quite a while! Congrats on release!!


Thanks @ridgek, I wish I could have fit some music into it for a radio submission, but I was really testing the space constraints with this project :).


This is so cool. I was always wondering how a "real" pokedex would be interacted with. Very cool job!

is the horde even possible? The closest i got was to meowth.


@mcman. Horde mode is possible! Here's a spoiler:

You can use a team of Mewtwos. Each Mewtwo needs to know at least amnesia and confusion. Make sure you use amnesia 3 times to get the max special buff before attacking. Confusion is good because it has a lot of PP, and since it's psychic type it also gives Mewtwo STAB advantage. Since all of Mewtwo's stats are high, Mewtwo will almost always go first and most Pokemon will be knocked out in one shot.

The other moves don't really matter. One of them should probably be psychic though. This link explains how broken Mewtwo was in gen 1:

I don't know if another setup is possible. If someone figures out a different strategy, I'd love to know. Especially if there is one that doesn't involve legendaries.

Also there is a secret unlockable if you beat horde mode.


This is amazing, you really outdid yourself.

I don’t know how to play Pokemon so I didn’t play this


I got done playing Pokémon Blue only recently so this is a real treat. I'm super impressed how much you guys packed into one cart. One thing though: Could you change N alive/dead to N OK/fainted? It would make me feel a little better about making them battle to the death :p

I'm currently challenging myself by bringing only 3 unique pokemon with their default moves to league battles. It's tough but with my growing selection it seems doable; I'm up to Beauty so far!

@Verb Thanks for playing! You're right about the dead/live thing. I might change that :).


Honestly one of the coolest pico games ive ever tried

I just released Picodex Dual! Also a single PICO-8 cart, but now for the complete gold/silver/crystal battle system. On lexaloffle and itch:


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